在VSCode中,打开Extensions面板(快捷键Ctrl+Shift+X),搜索Dev Containers插件并安装。Dev Containers插件允许你为每个项目创建自定义的开发环境。步骤四:创建自定义的开发容器在VSCode中,打开你的项目文件夹,然后右键选择“Configure Dev Container”。这将打开一个配置文件,你可以在其中定义你的开发环境所需的各种软件包...
步骤5:启动Dev Container 在VSCode中,点击左下角的绿色图标,选择“Remote-Containers: Open Folder in Container…”选项,选择你的项目文件夹。VSCode将会自动构建Docker镜像并进入容器环境。 步骤6:配置VSCode以支持代码补全 在你依然处于Dev Container中,确保在项目中安装你所需的语言服务器。以Node.js为例,你可以使...
This is my remote extension host log when trying to install github copilot. For whatever reaason, some extensions are installed in the dev container, but adding extensions does not seem to work. I was able to install them at one point but im not sure what conditions it was under. ...
I have extensions that are defined in my devcontainer.json but if I rebuild the container they are not installing. I even tried making an entirely new project from the default generated code and same issue. I have some of the extensions ...
{ "name": "Kubernetes", "image": "mcr.microsoft.com/vscode/devcontainers/kubernetes:0-1", "settings": { "terminal.integrated.shell.linux": "/bin/bash" }, "extensions": [ "ms-kubernetes-tools.vscode-kubernetes-tools" ], "forwardPorts": [ 8001 ], "postCreateCommand": "minikube start"...
为什么要创建非root用户?可以阅读说明Adding a non-root user to your dev container。 这里我简要的说明一下,很多基础镜像缺省用户是root,当容器中使用root用户创建文件时,文件的owner也是root这有可能导致本地的用户无法访问这些文件。具体根据目录映射的形式不同我们分为3种情况:...
// Provide the dev container with a Dockerfile that it can use to build an image and run the container."dockerFile": "Dockerfile", // Command(s) to run before the container is created.// In this case we are installing the node modules."initializeCommand": "yarn install", ...
To connect to theESIDF docker image, install theDev Containers、Remote DevelopmentandESP-IDFextensions, as below: Practice After all previous steps have taken effect, the WSL or docker container should be ready to use. Here is an example to show you how to utilize these tools. ...
// Forward your application's port(s) running in the container to the local machine. "forwardPorts": [3000], // Required VSC code extensions that you want to automatically install for the developers to use. "extensions": [ "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint", ...