那这就打开VSCode,ctrl+shift+x,调出扩展搜索,填入Android看看吧。 tab到列表,第一项就有: Android, 1.3.2, 发布服务器 adelphes, Android debugging support for VS Code 回车打开这个extension的文档看看: This is a preview version of the Android for VS Code Extension. The extension allows developers to...
Image Comparator:对比两张或者多张图片,方便比较图像恢复前后的变化 Image Tile Viewer :extension for showing images in tile view Luna Paint — Image Editor:Edit images in VS Code! Supports png, jpg, webp, bmp, tga and ico formats Image Viewer:View all images of the current project Image Galler...
我用的WSL是Ubuntu-20.04。 首先找到vscode的store,在搜索框总搜索C++,就能看到C/C++插件。点击Install安装即可,完成之后,界面如下: 安装环境 首先保证你的WSL已经安装好了环境 1.whereis g++ 2.whereis gdb 若没有以上输出,请输入以下命令安装g++和gdb 1.sudoapt-getinstall g++ 2.sudo apt-get install gdb ...
选择命令“同步:高级选项>在上载/下载时显示摘要页面”命令以打开/关闭自动下载。 code --install-extension EditorConfig.EditorConfig code --install-extension aaron-bond.better-comments code --install-extension christian-kohler.npm-intellisense code --install-extension christian-kohler.path-intellisense code -...
C/C++ Extension Pack CodeLLDB 然后检查下是否按照了 clang/clang++ 编译器 代码语言:javascript 复制 clang++-v 如果未安装,请前往 app store 下载 xcode 安装。 准备工作完成,然后打开终端输入下面命令: 代码语言:javascript 复制 mkdir projects cd projects ...
extensions/node/extensionHostProcess.js:871:693 at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5) [2020-07-13 14:00:54.855] [exthost] [error] [vscode.typescript-language-features] provider FAILED [2020-07-13 14:00:54.855] [exthost] [error] Error: DisposableStore is ...
The Visual Studio Code Extension Manager This tool assists in packaging and publishing Visual Studio Code extensions. Read theDocumentationon the VS Code website. Requirements Node.jsat least20.x.x. Linux In order to save credentials safely, this project useskeytarwhich useslibsecret, which you ma...
VS Code extension that allows you to record and playback guided tours of codebases, directly within the editor perfect for building interactive tutorials...
输入install, 然后选择 Extensions: Install Extension 在搜索框输入 flutter , 在搜索结果列表中选择 ‘Flutter’, 然后点击 Install 选择‘OK’ 重新启动 VS Code 通过flutter doctor验证 VS Code 是否安装配置成功 调用 查看>命令面板 输入‘doctor’, 然后选择 Flutter: Run Flutter Doctor ...
是谁把VSCode中的用户操作(打开文件,点击Goto)来告诉SK-LSP 以及谁来分析返回的结果告诉VSCode呢?答案就是 GitHub - swift-server/vscode-swift: Visual Studio Code Extension for Swift(https://github.com/swift-server/vscode-swift) vscode-swift 是Swift Server Workgroup 维护为非Apple平台提供Swift支持的插件...