VSCode是一款流行的开源编辑器,它支持扩展的开发,使得我们可以根据自己的需求来定制编辑器的功能和行为。我们将使用VSCode提供的API和Python语言来开发这个扩展。 ## 准备工作 在开始之前,确保你已经安装了以下软件和工具: - [Visual Python typescript json
在本文中,我将为你详细介绍这个过程,并给出每一步需要做的操作,包括代码和注释。 ## 整个流程 首先,让我们看一下整个实现PythonVSCode扩展的流程: ```mermaid flowchart TD; A(创建VSCode插件 Python json typescript 原创 mob64ca12d9081f 5月前
[python]": { "editor.formatOnType": true }, "editor.formatOnSaveMode": "modificationsIfAvailable", "editor.trimAutoWhitespace": false, "typescript.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabled": "always", "javascript.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabled": "always", // fix vscode hotkeys overrided by other ...
"@vscode/python-extension": "^1.0.5", "fs-extra": "^11.2.0", "node-fetch": "^3.3.2", "vscode-languageclient": "^8.1.0" }, "devDependencies": { "@types/fs-extra": "^11.0.4", "@types/vscode": "1.78.0", "@types/glob": "^8.1.0", "@types/node": "16.x", "@types...
- Integrated Kedro-Viz flowchart into the extension with a new command `Kedro: Run Viz`. - Integrated Kedro-Viz flowchart into the extension with a new command `Kedro: Run Kedro Viz`. Contributor jitu5 commented Sep 20, 2024 @noklam Will it be useful to track who is installing and ca...
1.GitHub Copilot扩展说明:您可以在 Visual Studio Code 中使用 Copilot 来生成代码、修复错误、询问有关代码的问题等等。 地址:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=GitHub.copilot 2.AI Flowchart 2024扩展说明:AI Flowcha vscode 原创 ...
0.2.0 Release after next kedro viz (1st week of September, as rely on both the main npm/pythonkedro-viz) Checklist
python ms- 2024.18.0 vscode-pylance ms- 2024.11.1 cmake-tools ms- 1.19.52 cpptools ms- 1.22.11 cpptools-extension-pack ms- 1.3.0 cmake twx 0.0.17 win-ca uko 3.5.1 markdown-all-in-one yzh 3.6.2 mermaid-language Cat 1.0.3 vscode-drawio hed 1.6.6 vscode-auto-open-markdown-preview...
在本文中,我将为你详细介绍这个过程,并给出每一步需要做的操作,包括代码和注释。 ## 整个流程 首先,让我们看一下整个实现PythonVSCode扩展的流程: ```mermaid flowchart TD; A(创建VSCode插件 Python json typescript 原创 mob64ca12d9081f 5月前