VSCode extension for React Native - supports debugging and editor integration marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vsmobile.vscode-react-native Topics debugger extension react-native vscode expo Resources Readme License View license Code of conduct Code of conduct Security policy Security...
点击Download Extension,下载下来的是.vsix格式文件 安装VS Code时配置好了环境变量,在控制台执行 code --install-extension your-extension-name.vsix 即可安装 一些实用的插件 适用于 VS Code 的中文(简体)语言包 : 地址: Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack for Visual Studio Code 英文好的同学可以不必安装本插...
As a side note: recently I created a VSCode extension using React calledSheepy. It’s an interactive guide for learning Functional Programming using Ramda.JS. If you’re like me, struggling to use functional programming consistently in your code, you’ll find it useful. VSCode allows you to ...
使用create-react-app 创建工程: create-react-app vscode-tutorial open vscode-tutorial -a Visual\ Studio\ Code 安装Debugger for Chrome Extension 我们需要安装一个名为 Debugger for Chrome Extension 的插件,以便 VSCode 与 Chrome 进行交互。 VSCode 通过 Chrome 的 debug protocol 连接到 Chrome。这是 Chrome...
Snippets 是一些常用的代码片段,比如说 import React from 'react'; 这些常用的代码,我们只需要打 imr 然后按下 tab 键就能自动帮我们补全。同样的 clg 会变成 console.log。 一些不错的 extension 有 JavaScript (ES6) code snippets React-Native/React/Redux snippets for es6/es7 React Standard Style code...
For use with packer the syntax is a little different. Just add in yourinit.vimorinit.lua: use {'dsznajder/vscode-es7-javascript-react-snippets', run ='yarn install --frozen-lockfile && yarn compile'} When saving the file, the update will be done (:w) ...
Sapling:展示React组件树形结构的VS代码扩展 随着React项目的大小和复杂性的增加,查看页面组件的结构是个费时费力的事情。Sapling在VS Code侧栏中添加了一个依赖关系树,用于展示组件的依赖书,并提供跳转到文件的功能。 介绍文章:https://www.scien.cx/2021/10/09/introducing-sapling-a-vs-code-extension-for-traver...
注册了一个指令react-antd-helper.helloWorld,然后做了一个回调。我们可以在里面写我们自己的逻辑,这里我先不冗余写了,不同的插件实现方式也不一样,我会先文章结尾附上我个人插件的源码。 调试 我们直接点击VsCode调试按钮Run Extension进行调试即可,这时会打开一个新的窗口Extension Development Host(你打开的文件夹)...
// 创建插件进程,分别为LocalProcessExtensionHost(本地插件,如个人插件)、RemoteExtensionHost(远程插件,如WSL Remote)、WebWorkerExtensionHost(web worker进程) const extensionHosts = this._createExtensionHosts(isInitialStart); extensionHosts.forEach((extensionHost) => { ...
react-vscode-cli Introducing the React-based VSCode Extension Framework: a powerful tool for developers and designers looking to create custom VSCode extensions with ease. Description: Built on the popular React JavaScript library, this framework provides an intuitive and flexible platform for creating ...