最常见的情况是tab和空格的混用会导致错误,或者缩进不对,而这是用肉眼无法分别的。 在编译时会出现这样的错IndentationError:expected an indented block说明此处需要缩进,你只要在出现错误的那一行,按空格或Tab(但不能混用)键缩进就行。 往往有的人会疑问:我根本就没缩进怎么还是错,不对,该缩进的地方就要缩进,不...
/usr/bin/python3print("hello Python");if True:print ("True")else:print ("False") #此处代码块没有与上面的代码块对齐/*运行报错提示:PS C:\Users\11266> & C:/Users/11266/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python38-32/python.exe d:/linux-share-dir/Python/python_code.pyFile "d:/linux-share...
的代码块对齐 /* 运行报错提示: PS C:\Users\11266> & C:/Users/11266/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python38-32/python.exe d:/linux-share-dir/Python/python_code.py File "d:/linux-share-dir/Python/python_code.py", line 7 print ("False") ^ IndentationError: expected an indented block *...
【问题总结(11)】mixin 混入 后端的三种数据 formData vscode eslint报错面板 Expected an assignment or function...,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
>>> for i in range(4): ... File "<stdin>", line 2 ^ IndentationError: expected an indented block >>> print(i) File "<stdin>", line 1 print(i) ^ IndentationError: unexpected indent >>> Output fromConsoleunder theDeveloper Toolspanel (toggle Developer Tools on underHelp) ...
First, here is a screencast where "Editor: Auto Indent" is set to "keep". I positioned the cursor after the{at the end of line 9, then hit "enter" and then "Cmd-]" to run "Indent Line". This exhibits what I would consider the correct / expected behavior: ...
See error: "else" gets folded with the previous line Expected behavior fold is only applied to what's inside the if, not touching the "else" line Logs Screenshots Before folding: Folding with extensions disabled: Folding with C++ extension: Additional context 👍 7 Collaborator...
Expected behaviour If I open a project that doesn't have any python file, I shouldn't be getting any annoying popup about pytest not being installed, as it's not relevant at all. Even for python project seems a bit annoying to get this toast notifications, but I believe this should be...
Expected behaviour When moving a line up or down (using theeditor.action.moveLinesDownActionandeditor.action.moveLinesUpActionactions), the following should happen: Line being moved is automatically indented according to the indentation level of its context (i.e. the line(s) above it) ...
Expected behaviour Code folding in ordinary Python files should work. Historically it has worked based on indent levels. Actual behaviour Code folding does not work. No folding regions are detected, though regions which were folded in the previous session remain usable. Keyboard shortcuts for collaps...