在vscode 插件搜索code runner, 然后安装 问题二: E:\go\goWorkspace\src\GoProjects2> go run main.go exec: "C:\\Users\\向键雄\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\go-build3787382914\\b001\\exe\\main": file does not exist 大家只需要去打开查看自己的go env即可,这里是我的 PS E:\go\goWorkspace\src\...
导致没有编译成exe文件。所以VSCode报了htmllab.exedoes not exist的错误。
"name": "g++.exe build and debug active file", // 配置名称,将会在启动配置的下拉菜单中显示 "type": "cppdbg", // 配置类型,这里只能为cppdbg "request": "launch", // 请求配置类型,可以为launch(启动)或attach(附加) "program": "${fileDirname}\\${fileBasenameNoExtension}.exe", // 将要进...
你这是没有正确地设置MinGW的环境变量。具体可以看一下微软官方的文档。Get Started with C++ and MinGW...
launch: program '***\.vscode\launch.exe' does not exist 1. 出现这个问题的原因是误把launch.json当成C++编译了,VSCode貌似默认编译的是当前活动标签,只需把活动标签切到目标CPP即可。验证如下: 坑3:使用LeetCode插件时,代码在VSCode中各种标红,(多一句废话:这个题解代码我是抄的别人的)如下: 这个...
下午使用VSCode 编译一个cpp文件, 突然报了这样一个问题: * Executing taskinfolder code: D:\code\g++ d:\code\int_type_little_endian\main.cpp -o d:\code\int_type_little_endian/main.exe -g -m64 -Wall -static-libgcc -fexec-charset=GBK -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO -L E:\msys64\mingw64\...
Could not register service workers: InvalidStateError: Failed to register a ServiceWorker: The document is in an invalid state..If there is such an error, please restart VSCode If it still can't be solved, try the following methods to end allCode.exeprocesses and delete the service worker ca...
In the "target" field, append --remote-debugging-port=9222 Or in a command prompt, execute <path to chrome>/chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222macOSIn a terminal, execute /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222Linux...
The configuration is: "vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.enable": true, "vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.defaultIM": "1033", "vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.obtainIMCmd": "D:\\bin\\im-select.exe", "vim.autoSwitchInputMethod.switchIMCmd": "D:\\bin\\im-select.exe {im}"...
Fix compilerArgs not being used if no compilerPath is set. #5776 Fix an incorrect IntelliSense error squiggle. #5783 Fix semantic colorization and inactive regions for multiroot workspaces. #5812, #5828 Fix bug with cl.exe flags /FU and /FI not being processed. #5819 Fix cStandard being ...