Hello! I am absolutely struggling to get debugging properly set up in VSCode on MacOS with the ESP32-C6. I've spent a day trying to follow the guide here:https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp ... index.html "openocd -f board/esp32c6-builtin.cfg" starts fine with the expected out...
But if I use command line approach (https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/stable/esp32c6/api-guides/jtag-debugging/debugging-examples.html#command-line), everything is fine. I can step or continue to jump to the next breakpoint. ...
All of the videos referred to use the ESP-PROG debugging chip. This is contrary to my expectations for the ESP32-C6-DevkitC-1. I expected NOT to need an external debugger chip (as show in the referred videos) since the "ESP32-C6 has a built-in JTAG circuitry and can be debugged ...
esp32读写sd卡 vscode esp32读写文件spiffs 文章目录 关于SPIFF的使用——esp32学习笔记 零、简述 一、SPIFFS函数 二、文件 关于SPIFF的使用——esp32学习笔记 零、简述 SPIFFS 是一个用于 SPI NOR flash 设备的嵌入式文件系统,支持磨损均衡、文件系统一致性检查等功能。 在使用SPIFFS之前应该先确认你所用的板子的...
vscode + PlatformIO + ESP32离线支持包 今生**无缘上传600.52MB文件格式zipvscodePlatformIOESP32 将路径下面文件"C:\Users\用户\.platformio"全部删除,替换下载解压的文件.platformio。 注意:操作需要重启电脑下进行。 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分 Python测试...
static const char*WIFI_TAG="wifi station";static int s_retry_num=0;// 定义记录WIFI重连次数char ip[16]="-1";bool wifi_connected=false;static voidevent_handler(void*arg,esp_event_base_t event_base,int32_t event_id,void*event_data){if(event_base==WIFI_EVENT&&event_id==WIFI_EVENT_STA...
Virtual env Python Path (idf.pythonBinPath) /opt/esp/python_env/idf5.1_py3.8_env/bin/python Serial port (idf.port) /dev/ttyACM0 OpenOCD Configs (idf.openOcdConfigs) board/esp32c6-builtin.cfg ESP-IDF Tools Path (idf.toolsPath) /opt/esp ...
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good day dear experts, micropy-cli solution - enabling VSCode to program on esp 32 with MicroPython :: installation issue the machine: ein WIN 7 mit I3 und 4 GB note: i will install all on a linux box later the week running Visual Studio Code to program
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