打开.vscode\c_cpp_properties.json 添加内容 “__CC_ARM”, “__STATIC_INLINE=static” 成品: {"configurations": [ {"name":"Win32","includePath": ["${workspaceFolder}/**", ],"defines": ["_DEBUG","UNICODE","_UNICODE","__CC_ARM","__STATIC_INLINE=static"] } ],"version": 4 } ...
打开.vscode\c_cpp_properties.json 添加内容 “__CC_ARM”, “__STATIC_INLINE=static” 成品: { "configurations": [ { "name": "Win32", "includePath": [ "${workspaceFolder}/**", ], "defines": [ "_DEBUG", "UNICODE", "_UNICODE", "__CC_ARM", "__STATIC_INLINE=static" ] } ], ...
there is a typedef for a uitn8_t type. Some lines below this typedef a new type is defined based on the uint8_t type. Now IntelliSense is showing red error squiggels below the uint8_t type definition with the error variable "uint8_t" is not a type name (see screen shot below)...
When I open cstdint then vscode shows the following error(s): the global scope has no "uint8_t". This is how my c_cpp_properties.json looks at the moment (but I already added a lot of other includePaths's but nothing worked: { "configurations": [ { "name": "Linux", "includePath...
; uint8_t *out_buffer; int64_t in_channel_layout; struct SwrContext *au_convert_ctx; if (avformat_open_input(&pFormatCtx, file, NULL, NULL) != 0) { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Failed to open video file!"); ...
1.1 搜索\ttab 字符 无论是单个文件内搜索,还是全局搜索; 输入\t后, 需要勾选正则匹配(.*那个icon): 1.2 搜索行尾空格字符 \s$ 1.3 正则查找 例如想查找 opencv 中的 v_uint8 的定义, 并且隐约猜测这个 v_uint8 可能有多种定义, 不同平台定义不一样; 此时 F12 跳转定义就显得有点鸡肋和误导, 需要...
uint8_t data[1025]; //接收到数据缓冲区 uart_init(); printf("uart_init\n"); while (true) { uart_receive_len = uart_read_bytes(UART_PORT, data, 1024, 100 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); //读取串口数据 if (uart_receive_len > 0) //判断读取串口数据长度,如果有数据,长度不为零 ...
IMessagePassingProtocol,它负责传输Uint8Array类型的二进制信息,并且在收到消息的时候通过事件通知上层 客户端 业务代码,业务代码会调用IChannel提供的方法来发起一个 IPC IChannel,它们提供了call和listen两个方法给业务代码调用,用以发起 IPC IChannelClient,它们是实际发起请求的地方,会将请求封装成一定的数据格式,在...
#pragma pack(1) // 从这句话开始,使用字节对齐(1),即紧凑,关闭对齐 typedef struct { uint8_t id; // ... } CANInstance; #pragma pack() // 从这里开始,恢复默认配置,一般来说默认配置是 pack(4),如果遇到double/longlong等也会变为8字节对齐 // 使用两个#pragma包裹你的结构体声明 如果您有...
;printf("esp_get_free_heap_size: %"PRIu32" bytes\n", esp_get_free_heap_size());size_tsize_to_allocate_1kb =1000;uint8_t*ptr1;uint8_t*ptr2; ptr1 =malloc(size_to_allocate_1kb *sizeof(*ptr1)); *(ptr1 +5) =555;printf("Minimum free heap size after allocating: %"PRIu32" ...