如果gofile文件夹下有多个项目,每个项目都会有main.go和go.mod go从1.18新增了workspace机制,这时就需要在gofile目录下执行 gowork initgowork use./project1./project2
如果gofile文件夹下有多个项目,每个项目都会有main.go和go.mod go从1.18新增了workspace机制,这时就需要在gofile目录下执行 gowork initgowork use./project1./project2
不要 /root/go/src/xxx/xxx2 ,直接xxx2 这样调转速度就很快。 不然底部会报错,如下: Error loading workspace: You are outside of a module and outside of $GOPATH/src. If you are using modules, please open your editor to a directory in your module. If you believe this warning is incorrect...
摘要:Golang 新手可能会踩的 50 个坑 1.Error loading workspace: gopls requires a module at the root of your workspace vscode 升级 gopls 到最新版本 v0.6.4 后出现以下提示: Error load阅读全文 posted @ 阅读全文 阅读全文 vscode配置远程免密 阅读全文...
Error loading workspace: You are outside of a module and outside of $GOPATH/src. If you are using modules, please open your editor to a directory in your module. Steps to reproduce the behavior: Go to '...' Click on '...' See error $ pwd /Users/ljh/Documents/work $ $ find ....
1.Error loading workspace: gopls requires a module at the root of your workspace vscode 升级 gopls 到最新版本 v0.6.4 后出现以下提示: Error loading workspace: gopls requires a module at the root of your workspace. … 方法一 将gopls 的版本回退到 v0.5.5 可以解决。
When opening my workspace, the go extension shows this error message: ---copy--- Error loading workspace: You are outside of a module and outside of $GOPATH/src. If you are using modules, please open your editor to a directory in your module. If you believe this warning is incorrect...
刚开始学习go的时候,同事推荐我使用 vscode 进行go开发,也是我第一次接触 vscode。说实话,如果能科学上网的化,vscode 是真的很好用(至少我认为,当然也可能还有更好的工具我没接触到过)。 vscode 错误提示:Error loading workspace: You are outside of a module and outside of $GOPATH/src. If you are usi...
@IStorageService private readonly storageService: IStorageService, @IConfigurationService private readonly configurationService: WorkspaceService, @IEnvironmentService private readonly environmentService: IEnvironmentService, @ILogService private readonly logService: ILogService, @IWindowsService private readonly...
cd /data02/lhh/workspace sudo cp ~/vscode-server-for-v1.38.1-2020.3.13.tar.gz ./ # sudo cp ../TNN/TNN/TNN-feature_demo ./ # 报错:cp:omitting #这是因为TNN-feature_demo目录下还有目录 sudo cp -r ../TNN/TNN/TNN-feature_demo ./ ...