Commit Message Editor 插件会在 vscode 填写 commit message 的窗口边上, 增加一个✅小按钮(默认隐藏,鼠标移过去才显示), 点击它可以在弹出的页面中,“好好的”填写 commit message(更加有仪式感),填写后“保存“,会保存到原生的 git commit message 填写区域; 然后再点常规的“对号”来提交: 2.6 git commit...
在搜索框中输入git commit,找到Git: Terminal Command设置项。 点击Edit in settings.json链接,以打开VSCode的用户设置JSON文件。 在settings.json文件中,将以下代码片段添加到配置中: "git.terminalCommand": "code --wait --new-window --wait", "git.enableCommitSigning": true ...
GitHub - Rakers1024/rakers-git-commit-vscode: Git提交规范VSCode插件 选择规范化 commit 信息头输入 commit 框,适合简单输入 GitHub - bendera/vscode-commit-message-editor: Edit commit messages in a convenient way. 提供一个窗口以表单或者文本的形式输入 commit GitHub - rioukkevin/vscode-git-commit 交互...
最后再查看gitlog,发现已经合并了 参考: https... -i comment_id,此时会出现如下一个界面 将pick 改为edit然后保存退出 :wq,此时会出现如下界面 提示你 如果要修改commit信息就执行gitcommit--amend 用comparable和compartor排序 com.parable是一种内部比较器, compartor是一种外部比较器. compartor的优先级高于compa...
"LastEditTime":"Do not Edit", "Description":"description" }, //函数注释 "fileheader.cursorMode": { "name":"", "test":"test font", "msg":"", "param":"", "return":"" }, "diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace":false, "git.enableSmartCommit":true, ...
it will open a commit edit tab on VS code where you type in your long commit message. When you close that tab your commit message will be added note: you might need to run Control + shift + P to open your command palette and install code Git instruction for other editors: https://...
It not only helps understand what commits were about but more importantly makes juniors think about the work they have done and most often we found that they go back to edit the commit. For example by splitting them into two or actually rewriting the code because they notice a single ...
Type: Bug In the past I was able to issue a commit with no messages and code would open the COMMIT_EDITMSG file for me to edit. On closing the file the commit would be performed. This has stopped working. Now if I issue a commit with no ...
// Specifies the maximum document size (in lines) allowed to be re-blamed after an edit while still unsaved. Use 0 to specify no maximum "gitlens.advanced.blame.sizeThresholdAfterEdit": 5000, // Specifies whether git output will be cached — changing the default is not recommended "git...
$ vscepackageINFODetected presenceofyarn.lock.Using'yarn'insteadof'npm'(to overridethispass'--no-yarn'on the command line).ERRORMake sure to edit file before youpackageor publish your extension. 额,裂开,这咋还报错,假装淡定,读一下提示原来是要我们编辑一下,没错,vscod...