移动当前行向下:Alt + ↓Move a single line down 复制当前行并将其插入到上一行:Shift + Alt + ↑Duplicate the current line or selectionabovethe current line 复制当前行并将其插入到下一行:Shift + Alt + ↓Duplicate the current line or selection below the current line AL 格式化程序:Shift + Alt ...
Mac:Command+Shift+← / →Windows/Linux:Ctrl+Shift+← / → 快速复制当前行「Duplicate Line」 用过IDE的基本都很熟悉这个操作,就是快速往下复制当前行的代码。这个在编程过程中也是非常的常用。其实我们可以选中一段代码,按下这个快捷键也可以往下复制整个内容哦。 Mac:Command+Shift+DWindows/Linux:Ctrl+Shift+...
You can select texts word by word with the shortcuts Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow (Mac: Control + Shift + Right Arrow) and Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow (Mac: Control + Shift + Left Arrow). Very useful to select words faster: 15. Duplicate Line A very powerful and known feature is the...
" bracketpaircolorizer . showverticalscopeline ":在括号之间显示一条垂直线。 " bracketpaircolorizer . showhorizontalscopeline ":在括号之间显示一条水平线;默认启用 " bracketpaircolorizer . scopelinerelativeposition ":禁用在第 0 列显示垂直线。 " bracketpaircolorizer . scopelinecss ":选择边框样式以突...
public static addCursorDown(viewModel: IViewModel, cursors: CursorState[], useLogicalLine: boolean): PartialCursorState[] { const result: PartialCursorState[] = []; let resultLen = 0; // multiple duplicate cursors added for each action? for (let i = 0, len = cursors.length; i < len...
Duplicate #239795 Author yuriyward commented Feb 6, 2025 Apologies for the duplicate. Please remove this one. The RAM overflowed at that moment, which caused the issue to occur automatically twice when I hit the submit button. meganrogge closed this as completed Feb 6, 2025 Sign up for ...
"css.lint.duplicateProperties": "ignore", // 不要使用空规则集。 "css.lint.emptyRules": "warning", // 避免使用 `float`。浮动会使 CSS 变得脆弱。即使只更改了一部分布局,也很容易造成破坏。 "css.lint.float": "ignore", // `@font-face` 规则必须定义 `src` 和 `font-family` 属性...
"scss.lint.duplicateProperties": "ignore", // Do not use empty rulesets. "scss.lint.emptyRules": "warning", // Avoid using `float`. Floats lead to fragile CSS that is easy to break if one aspect of the layout changes. "scss.lint.float": "ignore", // `@font-face` rule must ...
Duplicate ActionAbility to duplicate files and directories.Error LensShow language diagnostics inline (errors/warnings/...). ToggleToggle any VS Code setting by your favorite keybindings.Example of toggling typescript.inlayHints.functionLikeReturnTypes.enabled by shortcut:...
enhancement - Remove duplicate call of getRawLocationURI(). See JLS#1299. bug fixed - fixed Java Overview breaking the import of invisible projects. See #1198. bug fixed - fixed build status reporter in multi-root workspaces. See #1180. bug fixed - fixed incorrect signatures returned by sig...