Shift+Alt+↓ / ↑ 向上/向下复制行 Copy line up/down 和上面一样,line操作实际可操作lines。写数学公式推导非常好用,多用几次就记住了。 Shift + Alt + ←/→ 将选中内容在行内向左/向右复制(也支持多光标的多行复制) Better Markdown & Latex Shortcuts 插件功能 Ctrl+Shift+K 删除行 Delete line ...
没有被选中, 记得选中它,否则 你的操作将无效!) 其它:在此搜索某个快捷键。例如搜索注释的快捷键。 Google浏览器中按 ctrl + f , 输入 注释 就会跳转到相关位置。
* The matching lines of text, or a portion of the matching line that contains the match. */ text: string; /** * The Range within `text` corresponding to the text of the match. * The number of matches must match the TextSearchMatch's range property. */ matches: Range ...
"workbench.editor.closeOnFileDelete": false, 450 451 // 控制打开的编辑器是否为预览编辑器。预览编辑器在被固定 (例如,通过双击或编辑) 前可重用,其字体样式为斜体。452 "workbench.editor.enablePreview": true, 453 454 // 控制从 Quick Open 打开的编辑器是否为预览编辑器。预览编辑器在被固定 (...
"readability-redundant-string-cstr", "readability-redundant-string-init", "readability-simplify-subscript-expr", "readability-static-accessed-through-instance", "readability-static-definition-in-anonymous-namespace", "readability-string-compare", "readability-uniqueptr-delete-release", "readability-use-any...
This helps using msr command lines or find-xxx/gfind-xxx outside vscode.Or Manually Download and Set PATH Value Once And ForeverSee manually downloading tool command lines on Windows/Linux/MacOS/FreeBSD.You can also get downloading command line from MSR-Def-Ref channel in OUTPUT tab. Delete ...
"workbench.editor.closeOnFileDelete": false, // 控制打开的编辑器是否为预览编辑器。预览编辑器在被固定 (例如,通过双击或编辑) 前可重用,其字体样式为斜体。 "workbench.editor.enablePreview": true, // 控制编辑器是否从"快速打开"中打开,以预览显示。预览编辑器在固定之前会重复使用(例如,通过双击或...
To remove the duplicate lines in Visual Studio Code: Select the text. Press: Ctrl+Shift+Pon Windows and Linux Command+Shift+Pon macOS Note: you can also pressF1to open the Command Palette. TypeDelete Duplicate Linesand select the option. ...
1、安装ESLint npm install eslint --global 2、vscode中安装ESLint插件 3、在setting.json中添加配置项 "editor.codeActionsOnSave": { "source.fixAll.eslint": true } 1. 2. 3. .eslintrc.js配置 module.exports = { root: true, parserOptions: { ...
* The matching lines of text, or a portion of the matching line that contains the match.*/ text: string; /** * The Range within `text` corresponding to the text of the match.* The number of matches must match the TextSearchMatch's range property.*...