设置自定义快捷键:为 editor.action.increaseFontSize 和editor.action.decreaseFontSize 命令设置你喜欢的快捷键。 通过以上方法,你可以轻松地在VS Code中设置和调整字体大小,以适应不同的视觉需求。如果你还有其他问题或需要进一步解释,请随时告诉我!
如果您经常需要调整字体大小,可以为增大和减小字体设置专用快捷键。通过选择“首选项” > “键盘快捷方式”(或使用Ctrl + K Ctrl + S),可以为editor.action.increaseFontSize和editor.action.decreaseFontSize设置快捷键。 结论上,VSCode 提供了灵活的字体大小调整选项,无论是通过图形用户界面还是直接修改配置文件,用户...
shift+alt+,shift+ctrl+,Decrease Font Size in All Editors✅ Linux, WindowsmacOSFeatureSupported shift shiftshift shiftSearch everywhere✅ ctrl+fcmd+fFind✅ f3cmd+gFind next✅ shift+f3cmd+shift+gFind previous✅ ctrl+rcmd+rReplace✅ ...
Commands to increase/decrease font size per window #277064 Sign in to view logs Summary Jobs main Run details Usage Workflow file Workflow file for this run .github/workflows/on-comment.yml at 98ce5b3 name: On Comment on: issue_comment: types: [created] # also make changes in ./...
"command": "editor.action.fontZoomReset" }, { "key": "alt+e", "command": "workbench.action.switchWindow" }, { "key": "alt+insert", "command": "explorer.newFile" }, { "key": "shift+alt+insert", "command": "explorer.newFolder" ...
A good font can lead to significant productivity gains. It can decrease the time spent debugging, as clearer character distinctions mean fewer mistakes in reading code. This is particularly true for fonts likeFira Code, which, with its distinct ligatures, makes understanding code syntax quicker and...
{"key": "ctrl+numpad0","command": "editor.action.fontZoomReset"},{"key": "alt+e","command": "workbench.action.switchWindow"},{"key": "alt+insert","command": "explorer.newFile"},{"key": "shift+alt+insert","command": "explorer.newFolder"},{"key": "alt+enter","command": "...
workbench.action.decreaseViewSize Copy this into init.vim function! s:manageEditorSize(...) let count = a:1 let to = a:2 for i in range(1, count ? count : 1) call VSCodeNotify(to ==# 'increase' ? 'workbench.action.increaseViewSize' : 'workbench.action.decreaseViewSize') endfor...
1几个最重要的快捷键 代码助手:Ctrl+Space(简体中文操作系统是Alt+/) 快速修正:Ctrl+1 单词补全:Alt+/ 打开外部Java文档:Shift+F2 显示搜索对话框:Ctrl+H 快速Outline:Ctrl+O 打开资源:Ctrl+Shift+R 打开类型:Ctrl+Shift+T 显示重构菜单:Alt+Shift+T ...
But I think will be good if, instead of full disable, I can customize the font size. If the codelens have at least on half of the current size, maybe it can be usable... With the current size, it looks with an actual line of code. So, maybe you can do some options like: ...