vscode+php+xdebug won't stop at breakpoint 断点不起作用 not stopping on breakpoints breakpoint not working 原因: 1) php.ini xdebug 端口不配置的情况下,默认是 9000,如果vscode里面改为了其他端口,php.ini里面也要改为同样的端口。 如: a) vscode launch.json 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ...
Using WSL2/Ubuntu18 I've not been able to make the VSCode NodeJs Debugger to stop on the breakpoints of any NodeJs app. When I start the debugger, it runs (I can see the output on the integrated terminal) but breakpoints are simply ignor...
Hey! I'm having issues similar to microsoft/vscode#103048, wanted to create a new issue so I'm not hijacking threads, it seemed like some people over there were having issues with NPM script arguments which is definitely unrelated for me...
或者直接使用 console.log 来观察变量值, 这是非常痛苦的一件事,需要同时打开至少 3 个窗体。个人...
Debug - breakpoint state mac @jrieken linux @aeschli We have changed breakpoints states and now show it differently in the UI. Verify: new UI properly and intuitivly reflects if breakpoints are enabled, disabled, verified or deactivated. breakpoints get hit / not hit depending on their enablem...
Starting with Meson 1.1.0 and the Meson VScode extension 1.9.0, building and debugging GStreamer is as easy as opening the GStreamer sources folder, hitting the ▶️ button, and launching a debug session. Let’s see it in action on Windows stopping at a breakpoint with a break: In ...
Console logs can make or break your productivity. Turbo Console Log is an active plugin for VS Code that lets you select the variable for the subject of your debugging and automatically adds log messages to the nearest line relative. This lets you rapidly debug without writing any console.log...
bug fix - Organize import on save should not select ambiguous static import. See #1459. bug fix - Link in javadoc causes an error. See #1437. build - Improve 'launching from source' detection. See #1473. build - Fix debug mode detection. See #1467. build - Ignore /node_modules/ ...
However, if you write code such as window.DEBUG = true and then defined window.DEBUG to false, esbuild previously generated the output false = true which is a syntax error in JavaScript. This behavior is not typically a problem because it doesn't make sense to substitute window.DEBUG with...