原因:vscode debug时会进入debug下的文件路径,和我们想要的文件路径并不一致。 解决方法:将launch.json文件进行修改即可。 {"version": "0.2.0","configurations": [ {"name": "CUDA C++: Launch","type": "cuda-gdb","request": "launch","program": "${fileDirname}/test.err","debuggerPath": "/u...
(20条消息) 已解决:could not find the task ‘g++ build active file,leetcode算法ACM编译调试_dlage的博客-CSDN博客 用此方法解决 {"version":"2.0.0","tasks": [ {"type":"cppbuild","label":"C/C++: g++.exe build active file","command":"C:/debug/mingw/bin/g++.exe","args": ["-fdiag...
The arduino extension will always search the workspace for *.ino and uses the first file name as the expected elf file name if sketch is not set, so you need not to set the sketch at all, the debugger will use the ino in your project. Arduino IDE verifies the folder name against the...
@czgtest Specifying the sketch value in the arduino.json file does not fix the problem. To overcome the problem, I have to create subfolders to put my .cpp files and let the .ino file in the root folder. czgtest closed this as completed Sep 4, 2018 Sign...
很多人抱怨vscode不如pycharm调试方便,但官方其实有vscode python debug,而且功能也非常强大,不管是debug本地文件,远程服务器文件,分布式文件还是llm之类的deepspeed文件,统统好用。 我选择vscode是因为他可以直接连接服务器,进行代码编写和远程调试,非常方便,并且还有多种多样的扩展满足你的任何需求。据实验室内部不完全...
> Could not resolve all task dependencies for configuration ':DrawSDK:debugCompileClasspath'. > Could not resolve androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:{strictly 1.0.0}. Required by: project :DrawSDK > Cannot find a version of 'androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview' that satisfies the version constraints...
Program Error: Could not find or load main class x 报错,"Program Error: Could not find or load main class x" 可能是launch.josn中的主类名称错误或者文件不再classpath 主要检测以下几项: Check whether the class name specified in mainClass exists and is in the right form. ...
F5->Could not find the task 'build'->Configure Task->Select a task to configure->Create task.json file from temple->.Net Core 就会继续在.vscode下创建task.json 代码语言:javascript 复制 {// See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=733558// for the documentation about the tasks.json ...
I choose the "cl.exe build and debug active file". Everything runs correctly and it creates the ".vscode" folder with the "tasks.json" file in there for the next time I try and build the project. It DOES NOT create the "launch.json" so every time I want to run the debugger I ...
Example: --user-data-dir=/tmp/chrome-debug. This is the same as using the userDataDir option in a launch-type config.Launch Chrome and navigate to your page.An example launch.json file for an "attach" config.{ "version": "0.1.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "Attach to url ...