通过shift + cmd + p, 输入attach,选择 Debug: attach to Node Process 可直接附加到指定的node进程进行调试 详细可参考2022年了,该学会用VSCode debug了 2. JavaScript debug terminal 在vscode的终端启动一个 JavaScript调试终端(JavaScript debug terminal),在该终端中启动的所有node进行会自动开启debug。 这个比au...
node --debug ./index.js This will spin up a debugger process and on the default port of 5858. This is what VSCode will use as a default for the Attach configuration. Once you run your node script that way, change the port in your custom configuration to 5858 and then press F5. It...
设置attach to process 将debugger 附在在某个正在运行的nodejs进程的做法有很多,最好用的就是设置成在用--inspector--inspect-brk运行程序时自动attach。 首先要在.vscode/settings.json中加入以下2个设置: { "debug.node.autoAttach": "on", "debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter": "onlyWithFlag" } autoAttach...
Click on Run & debug and select "Attach by process ID" { "name": "Attach by Process ID", "processId": "${command:PickProcess}", "request": "attach", "skipFiles": ["<node_internals>/**"], "type": "node" },On the "PickProcess" dropdown you should see at least the 2 ...
﹝Node.js: Attach﹞看起来是指定 port 进行 attach,但是我没尝试成功 ﹝Node.js: Attach to Process﹞指定进程进行 attach(比如已经用 npm 命令启动了服务) ﹝Node.js: Launch Program﹞新建一个 launch ﹝Node.js: Launch via npm﹞用 npm 的启动方式新建个 launch ...
1、快捷键ctrl+shift+p,选择Debug:Toggle Auto Attach,选择Always image.png 2、快捷键ctrl+shift+p,选择Debug:Attach to Node Process,选择第一个,就可以正常进行debug image.png ©著作权归作者所有,转载或内容合作请联系作者 NestJS 更多精彩内容,就在简书APP ...
child/process.js 中的断点,也跑不进去, 2. Attach to child_process 以上示例中,我们发现 VSCode 无法调试到child_process中。 也不确定 VSCode 未来是否会支持。 当前我们可以通过 Debug 的 Attach 方式,对child_process进行调试。 2.1 main 项目 & attach 项目 ...
I think the "Attach to node process" is one of the most useful actions in debug land. I love how it works and it is my favorite way how to start debug when I run a program from the command line. However, this command is burried within th...
注意:gdbserver这种方式attach进程,不支持远程选取processId。 2.2attach正在运行的进程 目标板上输入gdbserver命令 ./gdbserver :$port--attach$pid vscode打开调试命令。 start debug gdb 连接成功后,如图 debug 2.3vscode远程调试 GUI界面 条件断点设置
"request": "attach", "name": "${2:Attach to Port}", "port": 9229 } } ], "variables": { "PickProcess": "extension.node-debug.pickNodeProcess" } } ] } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.