点击 终端->新终端 打开终端后,通过终端来创建C#程序并运行调试。 首先可通过 cd 路径 跳转到用来保存程序的路径下,再通过 dotnet new console -o 路径 (或者dotnet new console)来创建一个新的程序。 测试了一下,发现必须要第一次通过终端执行该项目时, C# extension才提供自动生成launch.json的功能;直接按F5...
Create folder = OmniDemo Create new console app in that folder: dotnet new console dotnet build => builds successfully dotnet run => runs successfully Inspect .csproj file => App uses TargetFramework = netcoreapp3.0. Open VS Code in this folder Warning = No assets … => Accept to add as...
The output (on a new line) will be: console.log('variable: ', variable); Config the output format in the extension settings (console.formatText: 'variable ===>', varible), the output will be: console.log('variable ===>', varible); ...
setUnexpectedErrorHandler(err => console.error(err)); // Create services const [instantiationService, instanceEnvironment, environmentMainService, configurationService, stateMainService, bufferLogService, productService, userDataProfilesMainService] = this.createServices(); try { // Init services try { ...
1.VS Code->File->Open Folder… 打开solution文件所在的Folder 2.Run and Debug->create a launch.json file->C# 3.Explor->.vscode->右键->New File->tasks.json 4.将tasks.json文件内容做如下修改 5.将launch.json文件内容做如下修改 6.修改*.csproj文件,将DebugType修改为portable(https://github.com...
startExtensionHostProcess().catch((err) => console.log(err)); src/vs/workbench/services/extensions/node/extensionHostProcessSetup.ts export async function startExtensionHostProcess(): Promise<void> { const extensionHostMain = new ExtensionHostMain( ...
5、终端到此文件夹内,执行命令 "dotnet new console --name project" 初始化项目 6、在vscode打开生成的Program.cs 文件,vscode会自动安装OmniSharp插件(这里需要耐心等待) (右下角会有弹出框,点击“Yes”就会帮我们生成“launch.json”以及“task.json”文件) ...
console.log('Congratulations, your extension "Chat" is now active!'); // 实现侧边栏的初始化 // 实例化一个chatWebview constchatWebview =newChatWebview; // 注册webview 到id为 Chat-sidebar 的views中,这个id为 Chat-sidebar 的视图我们稍后会在 ...
console.log("fromWebViewIframe: "+message.data) break; // web端发送消息给插件 case 'WebSendMesToVscode': vscode.postMessage(message); break; } }); `;}} 提供webview视图的类创建好了,然后我们需要在入口函数中实例化一个webview,然后把这个视图注册到vscode侧边栏中 打开extension....
You can run commands directly from within Visual Studio Code, includingdotnet restoreand any tools referenced in theproject.jsonfile, as well as custom tasks defined in.vscode/tasks.json. Visual Studio Code also includes an integrated console⌃where you can execute these commands without leaving ...