小白刚刚开始自学,v..我把python整个都卸载了然后重新安装的,vscode的插件也重新安装了一遍。报错提示有"vs code connection is disposed." _"comm
Is something on the client-side using the connection without knowing it has been disposed, or maybe from other parts of the vscode-languageserver-node API. This should be fixed in 3.17, though I was hoping they would have released a 3.16.1 by now. rgrunberadded bug upstream on Mar 22,...
at S.handleConnectionClosed (/Users/eleanorboyd/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.9.2024062506-darwin-arm64/out/client/extension.js:2:2008397) at S.handleConnectionClosed (/Users/eleanorboyd/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.9.2024062506-darwin-arm64/out/client/extensio...
[Error - 2:15:08 AM] Sending notification cpptools/activeDocumentChange failed. Error: Connection is disposed. at throwIfClosedOrDisposed (c:\Users\l\.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode.cpptools-1.4.0-insiders3\dist\main.js:50645:19) at Object.sendNotification (c:\Users\l\.vscode\extensions\ms-vsco...
表題にあるエラーでめちゃくちゃハマったので、解決策を残します。[Error - 10:13:34 PM] gopls client: couldn't create connection to s…
[08:19:40] [][c01e8834][ManagementConnection] The client has disconnected gracefully, so the connection will be disposed. [08:19:40] [][fd780351][ExtensionHostConnection] <76> Extension Host Process exited with code: 0, signal: null. ...
\r\nSpecified server is using self signed certs. Enable Allow Unauthorized Remote Connection setting to connect anyways\r\n{0}\r\n{1}", "DataScience.notebookVersionFormat": "Jupyter Notebook Version: {0}", "DataScience.jupyterKernelNotSupportedOnActive": "Jupyter kernel cannot be started...
\r\nSpecified server is using self signed certs. Enable Allow Unauthorized Remote Connection setting to connect anyways\r\n{0}\r\n{1}", "DataScience.notebookVersionFormat": "Jupyter Notebook Version: {0}", "DataScience.jupyterKernelSpecNotFound": "Cannot create a Jupyter kernel spec ...
After retrying (i.e. re-entering my token URL (https://ZZZ:8000/user/YYY/?token=XXX) into the VSCode dialog box, the error now states "Connection failure. Verify the server is running and reachable from a browser. (request tohttps://ZZZ:8000/hub/login?next=failed, reason: unable to...
Connection then proceeds to fail. Here's the exception text console.ts:137 [Extension Host] stack trace: Error: Webview is disposed at I.c (c:\Users\karlb\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\api\node\extensionHostProcess.js:156:53097) at get webview ...