–在VS Code的侧边栏中打开Git面板(通过View -> Git或者Ctrl + Shift + G)。 –在Git面板中点击”Branches”按钮,然后选择要进行比较的分支。选择一个分支后,会显示该分支的Git历史。 –在Git历史列表中选择一个提交记录,右键点击并选择”Compare with branch”,然后选择要进行比较的目标分支。VS Code会自动打开...
1. 在版本控制面板中,点击菜单栏的“查看”按钮(或按Ctrl+Shift+P,然后输入“Git: View Branches”)。2. 在下拉菜单中,选择“Compare Branches”选项。 五、查看分支对比差异1. 在分支比较视图中,你将看到两个分支之间的差异。左边标记为“A”表示当前分支的提交,右边标记为“B”表示要比较的分支的提交。2. ...
gitTreeCompare.openChangesOption which decides what should happen when clicking on a file in the tree - either open the changes, or the file itself. Default is to open the changes. The other action can always be accessed via the file's context menu. ...
"compare": true, 2305 "details": false, 2306 "history": false, 2307 "remote": false 2308 }, 2309 "editorGroup": { 2310 "blame": true, 2311 "compare": true 2312 }, 2313 "editorTab": { 2314 "clipboard": true, 2315 "compare": true,...
a Remotes view to visualize, explore, and manage Git remotes and remote branches a Stashes view to visualize, explore, and manage Git stashes a Tags view to visualize, explore, and manage Git tags a Contributors view to visualize, navigate, and explore contributors a Search & Compare view ...
aCompareviewto visualize comparisons between branches, tags, commits, and more on-demandgutter blameannotations, including a heatmap, for the whole file on-demandgutter heatmapannotations to show how recently lines were changed, relative to all the other changes in the file and to now (hot vs...
// - donjayamanne.githistory: View git log, file history, compare branches or commits // - eamodio.gitlens: Supercharge the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code — Visualize code authorship at a glance via Git blame annotations and code lens, seamlessly navigate and explore Git ...
Search & Compare— Search and explore for a specific commit, message, author, changed file or files, or even a specific code change, or visualize comparisons between branches, tags, commits, and more. GitLens Quick access to many GitLens features. Also the home of GitKraken teams and collabo...
Search & Compare— Search and explore for a specific commit, message, author, changed file or files, or even a specific code change, or visualize comparisons between branches, tags, commits, and more. GitLens Quick access to many GitLens features. Also the home of GitKraken teams and collabo...
Search & Compare— Search and explore for a specific commit, message, author, changed file or files, or even a specific code change, or visualize comparisons between branches, tags, commits, and more. GitLens Quick access to many GitLens features. Also the home of GitKraken teams and collabo...