When the cursor is on the integrated terminal, it creating a new line in the terminal(zsh, in bash, no new line) rather than active the shortcut, how do make shortcut work on the terminal? I tried to add the command to "terminal.integrated.commandsToSkipShell", but still not working...
Type: Bug During normal usage, the "Add Line Comment" keyboard shortcut doesnt work. I am using the default of Ctrl + /. My keyboard works because I can use other Ctrl keyboard shortcuts fine. VS Code version: Code 1.88.1 (e170252, 2024-...
First, I want to apologize for the confusion in my original question. The questions, summarized, was why isn't my VSCode shortcut working after removing Ubuntu keybindings that were using the same modifier keys. It turns out I had missed some keybindings. Here are the steps I used, using...
1. Single-line Comment: Place your cursor on the line where you want to add a comment, and then use the shortcut key `Ctrl + /` to add a single-line comment. This will insert “//” at the beginning of the line, indicating a comment. 2. Multi-line Comment: Select the lines you...
Loads of the cool features that you would get in Visual Studio are now available, such as Intellisense (note - the keyboard shortcut in VSCode is CTRL-Space rather than ALT-Right arrow) and even refactoring (select the one line of code and a yellow lightbulb should appear above it; click...
Once you prepared a request as previously, use shortcut Ctrl+Alt+C(Cmd+Alt+C for macOS), or right-click in the editor and then select Generate Code Snippet in the menu, or press F1 and then select/type Rest Client: Generate Code Snippet, it will pop up the language pick list, as ...
Add a comment 0 Here is a pretty simple solution - one keybinding, one extension. Youdo not need to selectanything. Using an extension I wrote,Find and Transform, make this keybinding (in yourkeybindings.json): { "key": "alt+r", // whatever keybinding you want "command...
You can run the application in the browser, and then read the code line by line, to see the errors and debug them properly. Also, you need to remind a few shortcut functions keys to move through functions and line of codes: F5:Continue Debugging ...
Every special (control/alt/non-alphanumerical) keyboard shortcut must be explicitly defined in VSCode to send to neovim. By default, only bindings that are used by Neovim by default are sent. Note:if you want to pass additional control keys without adding a custom passthrough, see below. ...
要解决按键问题,可以激活命令 Developer:Toggle Keyboard shortcut s trouble shooting。这将有助于记录发送的键盘快捷键,并提供对带有相应日志文件的输出面板的访问。 有了它,你可以稍后按下你想要的键绑定,并检查什么键盘快捷键 VS 代码使用和什么命令被激活。 键盘规则 每条规则由以下内容组成: 6 定义被按下的键...