Brief Issue Summary After connect to WSL,the cmake command cannot running. CMake Tools seem not active(尚未激活) CMake Tools Diagnostics CMake: Log Diagnostics can not running. Debug Log No response Additional Information No response
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:1 (idf_component_register):Unknown CMake command "idf_component_register". 项目hello_world下面main文件夹下的CMakeLists.txt文件内容是ESP-IDF安装后自带的文件,文件内容如下: idf_component_register(SRCS "hello_world_main.c" INCLUDE_DIRS "") 编译其他项目如blink也是同...
前提:使用vscode+cmake编译C/C++程序。 二、方法 在.vscode/目录下新建settings.json文件,并将待传底的参数写在cmake.debugConfig里。 下面介绍了一个示例,将参数first_arg,second-arg和third arg传递给程序(此处需要注意,third arg中间虽然存在空格,但是仍然被视作一个参数): settings.json文件内容为: {"cmake...
With a fresh install of vscode + cmaketools, if I try to run any of the commands I just get an error that the command is not found. e.g. command '' not found. None of the options show up in the toolbar, as well. Tried in 6 different cmake based projects I have ...
选择cmake:configure有: 具体为: [variant] Loaded new set of variants [kit] Successfully loaded 4 kits from C:\Users\eric\AppData\Local\CMakeTools\cmake-tools-kits.json [main] Configuring folder: OneFLOW_By_vscode [proc] Executing command: "C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.EXE" --no-...
cmake vscode编译cpp vscode tasks.json { "tasks": [ { "type":"shell", "label":"cmake", "command":"cmake", "args": [ ".." ] }, { "label":"make", "group": { "kind":"build", "isDefault":true }, "command":"make",...
点击Configure之后,可能会有错误,类似:sh.exe was found in your PATH,here: xxx Git/bin/sh.exe,这个是因为把Git配置到了环境变量中,导致冲突了。可以修改一下glfw源代码目录下的CMakeLists.txt文件,在里面加上 set(DCMAKE="CMAKE_SH-NOTFOUND") 就可以正常生成了。然后再勾选 BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ,点击Ge...
CMake: Configure# Now that you've selected a kit and a variant, open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and run theCMake: Configurecommand to configure your project. This generates build files in the project's build folder using the kit and variant you selected. ...
1. 公共的 *.cmake 这部分的文件后缀是 cmake,主要提供在使用 Cmake 管理工程时的共用部分。 这里面包含了两类文件:编译器说明文件和内核说明文件。 1.1 编译器说明 这个文件说明了在编译工程时使用的编译套件以及编译参数,具体可阅读代码的注释。 代码清单:arm-none-eabi.cmake # 编译工具链; # 请确保已经...
message(STATUS "found clang-fidy at ${CLANG_TIDY_BIN}") endif () # 添加clang-tidy命令 add_custom_target(clang-tidy COMMAND python ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ # run LLVM's clang-tidy script -clang-tidy-binary ${CLANG_TIDY_BIN} # using our clang-tidy binary ...