关于VSCode中的colorTheme的语言特定设置 在VSCode中,colorTheme是指编辑器的颜色主题,它决定了代码编辑区域的颜色和样式。语言特定设置是指针对特定编程语言的代码编辑区域进行个性化配置的功能。 语言特定设置可以帮助开发者根据不同的编程语言,设置不同的代码高亮、代码折叠、代码提示、代码格式化等功能,以提高开发效率和...
"notebook.output.textLineLimit": 300, "files.autoSave": "onFocusChange", "diffEditor.wordWrap": "on", "notebook.lineNumbers": "on", "breadcrumbs.enabled": false, "workbench.iconTheme": "material-icon-theme", "editor.wordWrap": "on", "python.defaultInterpreterPath": "D:\\Anaconda\\...
{ "vue-html": "html", "vue": "html", "wpy": "html" }, //主题颜色 //"workbench.colorTheme": "Monokai", "git.confirmSync": false, "explorer.confirmDelete": false, "editor.fontSize": 14, "window.zoomLevel": 1, "editor.wordWrap": "on", "editor.detectIndentation": false, // ...
{"workbench.colorTheme":"Default Dark+","explorer.confirmDelete":false,"editor.fontSize":14,"files.autoSave":"onFocusChange","files.associations":{"*.vue":"vue"},"editor.wordWrap":"on","debug.console.closeOnEnd":true,"debug.allowBreakpointsEverywhere":true,"merge-conflict.autoNavigateNextCon...
const colorThemeEvent = vscode.window.onDidChangeActiveColorTheme(e => { // Update our SVGs fill attribute on disk (Copies of the codicon) // That are used with vscode.TreeItem.iconPath for our tree // TODO: Need a way to find out the hex color stored in the ThemeColors ?! const...
Simply an additional command that works exaclty as Preferences: Color Theme but set the theme for just the current workspace. Otherwise you have to do it from the workspace settings without preview, or use the preview and change the global theme to then set it manually for workspace and ...
Color Highlight 看名字就知道了,用于给我们代码中的颜色进行高亮展示的插件。可以看到下图中我设置的 css 颜色属性,直观的展示了出来。 Community Material Theme / Material Theme 修改编辑器的主题,内置很多种,我用的是 Material Theme Palenight High Contrast 这一款。安装完了以后点击设置颜色主题就可以了。
color?: ThemeColor; } export interface DecorationProvider { onDidChangeDecorations: Event<undefined | Uri | Uri[]>; provideDecoration(uri: Uri, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<DecorationData>; } export namespace window {
For example, try browsing to https://vscode.dev/theme/sdras.night-owl.Here you can experience the popular Night Owl color theme by @sarah_edo "live", without having to go through the download and install process, just to see if you like it. No install necessary! If you are a theme ...
在启动时不打开编辑器 "workbench.iconTheme": "gruvbox-material-icon-theme", "workbench.colorTheme": "Catppuccin Noctis Macchiato", "workbench.view.alwaysShowHeaderActions": true, // 显示视图头部的操作项 "workbench.settings.editor": "json", // 默认打开 settings.json 进行设置 "workbench.editor....