一、每次点击运行都显示code is already running,而且键盘也没有办法输入 二、解决办法 注意:记得重新启动VScode
https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_42262463/article/details/107110831 VScode运行代码时终端tab显示:Code is already running!。 解决方案:切换到OUTPUT tab,右键,然后选择stop code run。
选中code runner后点击设置,再点击扩展设置 可以在插件设置中勾选File Directory As Cwd 勾选后,就使用如下平常./test.txt读取没问题了 3.3 Code is already running VScode运行代码时终端tab显示:Code is already running! 解决方案:切换到输出窗口,右键,然后选择stop code run 3.4 快捷键设置 打开vscode快捷键有...
但是用vscode来运行程序老是出现:Code is already running! 最近使用visual studio 开发,在运行了 run code 之后,再次运行 ,总提示 Code is already running! 最终在输出窗口 :右键 :stop code run ###
VScode运行代码时终端tab显示:Code is already running! 解决方案:切换到输出窗口,右键,然后选择stop code run 在这里插入图片描述 3.4 快捷键设置 打开vscode快捷键有四种种方式: 左下角设置 -> 键盘快捷方式 左上角文件 -> 首选项 -> 键盘快捷方式
我如果运行的是要进行输入的 c 或者 c++程序,那么我的输出平台提示“无法在只读编辑器中编辑”。我要成功的运行还要跑到终端.有没有跟我一样的,有解决方法吗?? zjf121348 吧主 12 "code-runner.runInTerminal": true 葱花汤 初涉江湖 1 你是不是下载了一个插件叫code runner?是的话就把它禁用了,不...
Please also check if it is already covered by an existing one, like: When i open 1 thing it opens the other program i have saved (#110623) Run code runs the code in non-writable output window (#108791) Every time I run a program, a chrome window opens and my program isn't ...
If you can reproduce the problem with extensions disabled, then usecode --statusfrom the command line. Notice: this command requires that VS Code is already running This command collects status about your running VS Code and the workspace you have opened. You can attach this information when re...
ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.109.0 到底是啥? 它其实是 VS Code的 Remote SSH 扩展插件的一个版本。这个扩展插件允许 VS Code 通过 SSH 连接到远程服务器,让开发者可以直接在本地 VS Code 环境中编辑、调试和运行位于远程服务器上的代码。 out\extension.js 中到底写了什么?
Open main.csx, stick the cursor on the only line of code there and hit F9 to set a breakpoint, then hit F5 to enter debugging mode. You'll see a load of output in the debug console for a while and then the debugger will connect to the source code, start running and break at you...