首先我们需要创建空的编辑器组:打开方式查看>编辑器布局>2x2 网格: 默认情况下,关闭编辑器组的最后一个编辑器也将关闭整个编辑组,下次要使用的时候需要重新开启网格布局,但是我们可以在setting.json的配置里改变workbench.editor.closeEmptyGroups: false。 快速打开和关闭侧边栏「Opening and Closing the Sidebar」 在...
Select language to run Support REPL by running code in Integrated Terminal Usages To run code: use shortcut Ctrl+Alt+N or press F1 and then select/type Run Code, or right click the Text Editor and then click Run Code in editor context menu or click Run Code button in editor title menu...
Open latest vscode, set terminal panel to right, focus on terminal, use the shortcut for resizing right Terminal will resize left Logs: 2024-02-06 08:33:17.541 [info] [KeybindingService]: | Resolving ctrl+meta+[ArrowLeft] 2024-02-06 08:33:17.541 [info] [KeybindingService]: \ From 2...
Shortcut: Ctrl+oScript to run: codeParameters: $REPO最后补充一个知识点:对于Github上一个项目,可以有多种方式将它在一个外部的编辑器中快速打开。1. .: 使用按键"点"2. 1s: 手动更改URL,例如:https://github.com/vscodecool/vscodecool.github.io...
VScode-Common-Shortcut Keyboard shortcuts for windows Keyboard Shortcut For Windows General Basic editing Navigation Search and replace Multi-cursor and selection Rich language editing Editor management File management Display Debug Intergrated Terminal...
{//shortcut: F5 (start debugging)"type":"lldb","request":"launch","name":"LLDB Debugger","cwd":"${workspaceFolder}","program":".build/debug/${fileBasenameNoExtension}","args": [],"terminal":"integrated","preLaunchTask":"fpc: Build Debug","postDebugTask":"fpc: Remove Build Files"...
本文档使用 书栈网 · BookStack.CN 构建 - 34 - 小技巧 Close the currently opened folder Keyboard Shortcut: kb(workbench.action.closeActiveEditor) Navigation history Navigate entire history : kb(workbench.action.openNextRecentlyUsedEditorInGroup) Navigate back: kb(workbench.action.navigateBack) Navigate...
{ // shortcut: F5 (start debugging) "type": "lldb", "request": "launch", "name": "LLDB Debugger", "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}", "program": ".build/debug/${fileBasenameNoExtension}", "args": [], "terminal": "integrated", ...
git.path terminal.external.windowsExec terminal.external.osxExec terminal.external.linuxExec 1. 2. 3. 4. 当您第一次打开定义这些设置的工作区时,vscode 会警告您,然后始终忽略这些值。 默认设置 下面是 vscode 默认设置及其值。还可以在“设置”编辑器中查看默认值。 { // Editor // 控制编辑器是否显示...