"remote": false 2308 }, 2309 "editorGroup": { 2310 "blame": true, 2311 "compare": true 2312 }, 2313 "editorTab": { 2314 "clipboard": true, 2315 "compare": true, 2316 "history": true, 2317 "remote": true 2318 }, 2319...
Type: Bug After opening Visual Studio Code, the extension SAPUI5 Extension was installed, but initialization was delayed and stuck in the UI5Plugin: Initializing interface, In the Vsual Studio Code command panel, use uI5 clear cache to c...
#pkg check -B $ENABLE_WASM=1 chrome --enable-wasm 过两个月再来向大家 汇报。 感觉嘛, 就像二十多年前第一次用 REAHAT LINUX, 无线网卡和(特别是)蓝牙不知道怎么搞。 439 14:23 sudo lsusb -v 440 14:25 sudo lsusb 441 14:25 man -k Ralink 442 14:27 ls /usr/src/sys/amd64/include 443...
// @ts-ignore window.requestIdleCallback(() => { const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); const context = canvas.getContext('2d'); context?.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); canvas.remove(); }, { timeout: 50 }); } } ); //#region Helpers /** * @typedef...
292 TRACE ExtensionManagementService.refreshControlCache {malicious: Array(7), deprecated: {…}}deprecated: {github.vscode-pull-request-github-insiders: {…}, julialang.language-julia-insider: {…}, ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-nightly: {…}, ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-edit-nightly: {…}, ...
"**/.git/subtree-cache/**": true, "**/node_modules/*/**": true }, // 控制资源管理器是否在打开文件时自动显示并选择。 "explorer.autoReveal": true, // 控制资源管理器是否应以紧凑形式呈现文件夹。在这种形式中,单个子文件夹将被压缩在组合的树元素中。例如,对 Java 包结构很有用。
有时候我们需要运行php flarum cache:clear,php flarum migrate之类的命令,我们需要进入php-fpm容器内部去执行。 代码语言:javascript 复制 docker exec-it site-php-fpm sh-c"cd /www/flarum && sh" 这么长的命令,打起来不太顺手,可以直接写成 alias 加到你的 shell 配置文件。
话虽这么说,貌似 Docker + WSL 本身就是庞大的时间成本。正文中一些容器内无法实现的操作将转为使用 ...
Add "clear all output" button to native editor. (#7517) Add support for ptvsd and debug adapter experiments in remote debugging API. (#7549) Support other variables for notebookFileRoot besides ${workspaceRoot}. Specifically allow things like ${fileDirName} so that the directory of the first...