{"version":"0.2.0","configurations": [ {"name":"Attach to Chrome","type":"chrome","request":"attach",//默认用9222,也可以用其他,只要保证和--remote-debugging-port设置的端口一致就行了(后面会涉及)"port":9222,//填写你本地启动项目的地址"url":"http://localhost:3000","webRoot":"${works...
292 TRACE CommandService#executeCommand setContext log.ts:292 TRACE [DEBOUNCE: CodeLensProvide] for file:///home/alejandra/git/vita/salamander_hir/src/statements/object.rs is 250ms log.ts:292 TRACE [text file model] resolve() - enter file:///home/alejandra/git/vita/salamander_hir/src/...
contextIsolation: false } }, experimentalDarkMode: true }; // Apply icon to window // Linux: always // Windows: only when running out of sources, otherwise an icon is set by us on the executable if (isLinux) { options.icon = join(this.environmentMainService.appRoot, 'resources/linux/...
[main 2024-02-27T11:56:55.354Z] lifecycle (main): phase changed (value: 3) [main 2024-02-27T11:56:55.354Z] resolveShellEnv(): skipped (VSCODE_CLI is set) [main 2024-02-27T11:56:55.354Z] update#setState idle [main 2024-02-27T11:56:55.376Z] [File Watcher (node.js)] Started w...
After installation, you must reload the VSCode window. Now, again run phpinfo(); method in any PHP file to check if Xdebug is enabled or not. Now click on the debug console tab and click onadd configuration. Now, you must select the environment which isPHP.VSCode will now add a launch...
如果是0.8.2版本之后的版本,请修改build-thirdparty.sh的build_brpc函数,加上DPROTOBUF_PROTOC_EXECUTABLE的路径传参,否则在编译BRPC时会找不到protobuf的执行文件,报错 # brpc build_brpc() { check_if_source_exist $BRPC_SOURCEif[ ! -f $CMAKE_CMD ];thenecho"cmake executable does not exit"exit1fic...
Based on how you install delve it will either end up in yourPATHorGOPATH/bin. Ifdlvbinary is in yourGOPATH/binand this GOPATH is not set as an environment variable, then make sure your PATH points to thisGOPATH/binso that the Go extension can find thedlvbinary. ...
使用Visual Studio Code来写Python,你将体验到丝滑的编程体验和无限扩展的可能。而且,如果你的项目是...
"chatgpt.chromiumPath": { "type": "string", "markdownDescription": "The executable path of your Chromium-based browser. i.e. `Chrome`, `Edge` etc. \n\n Unless you override, we use the default paths per Operating System for `Chrome`. \n\n **Windows**\n C:\\\Program Files...
使用Visual Studio Code来写Python,你将体验到丝滑的编程体验和无限扩展的可能。而且,如果你的项目是...