要想改变编辑器活动行号的颜色,我们需要在对应的主题的配置文件的colors下添加"editorLineNumber.activeForeground": "#FF0000", Tips:不知道某个设置该怎么写时,可以去其它主题的配置文件中寻找有没有我们想要的 要更改每个文件显示的图标,可以在扩展商店中搜索tag:icon-theme,然后安装自己喜欢的文件图标扩展包 常用...
(2)files.autoSave 这个属性是表示文件是否进行自动保存,推荐设置为 onFocusChange——文件焦点变化时自动保存。 "files.autoSave":"onFocusChange", 5.3. 设置自动补全 (3)editor.tabCompletion 用来在出现推荐值时,按下 Tab 键是否自动填入最佳推荐值,推荐设置为 on; 5.4. 查询中过滤掉非必要的文件 vscode 的搜...
"workbench.colorTheme": "Visual Studio Dark - C++", "editor.minimap.enabled": false, "settingsSync.ignoredExtensions": [ "stuart.unique-window-colors" ], "editor.inlayHints.enabled": "off", "workbench.colorCustomizations": { "activityBar.activeBorder": "#FAFBFE", "activityBar.background":...
Use opacity for stackFrameHighlight#162. Improve ANSI colors#164. 4.0.3 Fix terminal colors (Light Default)#160. 4.0.1 2.0.1 Fix various issues for the new dark theme#117 1.1.3 1.1.2 1.1.0 0.2.0 Change tabs Add icon Initial release...
"files.autoSave":"onFocusChange", 5.3. 设置自动补全 (3)editor.tabCompletion 用来在出现推荐值时,按下 Tab 键是否自动填入最佳推荐值,推荐设置为 on; 5.4. 查询中过滤掉非必要的文件 vscode 的搜索页面位于左侧, 本来就很窄很拥挤, 如果再出现一些明显非必要的结果,更显得拥挤不堪, 所以非常有必要做一些过...
const colorThemeEvent = vscode.window.onDidChangeActiveColorTheme(e => { // Update our SVGs fill attribute on disk (Copies of the codicon) // That are used with vscode.TreeItem.iconPath for our tree // TODO: Need a way to find out the hex color stored in the ThemeColors ?! const...
vscode 常用的配置 配置 {// 文件自动保存: 失去焦点后保存"files.autoSave":"onFocusChange",// 显示空白字符(空格, tab): 选中的显示"editor.renderWhitespace":"selection",// tab 键开始自动补全"editor.tabCompletion":"on",// 提示出现的位置"editor.snippetSuggestions":"bottom",// 显示提示的延迟事件...
对应括号显示同样的颜色,放置我们混淆括号 7)JavaScript (ES6) code snippets es6 代码自动补全 8) vscode-icons 为文件管理器增加文件类型图标 9) Auto Rename Tag {"javascript.preferences.quoteStyle": "single","workbench.colorTheme": "Solarized Light (no bold)","files.autoSave": "onFocusChange","es...
Oct 30, 2023 Compatibility Range 223+ Size 131.29 KB Uploaded by Dinesh What’s New Fixed #159by @trofoto Changed @trofoto - Added colors const for following official light theme style @trofoto - change several selection-about colors, including selection color in editor, global selection bac...
One of the reasons for its popularity is its customisable interface, which allows users to change the appearance of the editor with various themes. With so many options to choose from, it can be overwhelming to find the perfect theme that not only looks great but also helps you stay focused...