// 自动检测 clangd 更新 "clangd.onConfigChanged": "restart", // 重启 clangd 时重载配置,具体方法: F1 + Fn 打开命令面板,然后搜索“clangd: restart" "clangd.serverCompletionRanking": true, // 借助网上的信息排序建议 "clangd.detectExtensionConflicts": true, // 当其它拓展与 clangd 冲突时警告并...
以下是博主的通用配置: {// - onWindowChange: A dirty file is automatically saved when the window loses focus//"files.autoSave":"onFocusChange",// Controls the font size in pixels."editor.fontSize":14,// The number of spaces a tab is equal to. This setting is overridden based on the ...
// - on: 编辑器将对屏幕阅读器的使用进行永久优化。23 // - off: 编辑器将不再对屏幕阅读器的使用进行优化。24 "editor.accessibilitySupport": "auto", 25 26 // 控制编辑器是否在左括号后自动插入右括号。27 // - always 28 // - languageDefined: 使用语言配置确定何时自动闭合括号。
Thanks a lot for the amazing product. Before you introduced the setting to automatically change the theme based on the system appearance, people like me who used both the Light and Dark views given the room light / time of the day had to...
371 Closed issues 226 New issues Excluding merges, 39 authors have pushed 298 commits to main and 389 commits to all branches. On main, 510 files have changed and there have been 21,578 additions and 9,492 deletions. Loading 0102030245 Pull requests merged by 39 people Restore...
For example, change https://github.com/microsoft/vscode to 'https://vscode.dev/github.com/Microsoft/vscode'.For Azure Repos, do the same. Change https://dev.azure.com/… to 'https://vscode.dev/dev.azure.com /…'.Today, support for Azure Repos is in preview mode for reading ...
注册某事件onDidVisibleEditorsChange的监听处理函数:this._register(this.onDidVisibleEditorsChange(() => this.handleVisibleEditorsChange())); 事件有明显的源头,能追踪到事件的提供方,有完整的类型定义 使用方:this._codeEditorService.onCodeEditorAdd(this._onDidAddEditor, this, this._toDispose); ...
// - onFocusChange: 编辑器失去焦点时自动保存更新后的文件。 // - onWindowChange: 窗口失去焦点时自动保存更新后的文件。 "files.autoSave": "off", // 控制自动保存已更新文件的延迟时间 (毫秒)。仅在 `files.autoSave` 设置为 `afterDelay` 时生效。 "files.autoSaveDelay": 1000, // 分配...
workbench是针对vscode的主题设置例如 iconTheme( 图标风格):使用插件 vscode-great-icons (需搜索安装) search.exclude配置vscode中项目中的哪些地方被排除搜索,避免你每次搜索结果中都有一大堆无关内容 files.associations配置文件关联 : 任何 vue 后缀的文件会被认为是 html 文件 ,(查看编辑器右下角) 然后 vscode ...
By default, don't change matplotlib themes and place all plots on a white background regardless of VS Code theme. Add a setting to allow for plots to try to theme. (#8000) Prompt to open exported Notebook in the Notebook Editor. (#8078) Add commands translation for Farsi locale. (tha...