},"filePathColon": "路径分隔符替换","showErrorMessage":false,"writeLog":false,"wideSame":false,"wideNum": 13,"functionWideNum": 0,"CheckFileChange":false,"createHeader":true,"useWorker":false,"designAddHead":false,"headDesignName": "random","headDesign":false,"cursorModeInternalAll": ...
vim.changeWordIncludesWhitespace Include trailing whitespace when changing word. This configures the cw action to act consistently as its siblings (yw and dw) instead of acting as ce. Boolean false vim.cursorStylePerMode.{Mode} Configure a specific cursor style for {Mode}. Omitted modes will use...
koroFileHeader 2、修改VSCode设置 3、粘贴下面的代码 {"workbench.iconTheme":"vscode-icons","editor.fontSize":18,"editor.fontFamily":"JetBrains Mono, 'Courier New', monospace","editor.fontLigatures":false,// 代码文件头部注释"fileheader.customMade":{"Descripttion":"喜欢就努力的争取","Version":"...
extension.changeCase.pascal: Change Case 'pascal': Convert to a string denoted in the same fashion as camelCase, but with the first letter also capitalised extension.changeCase.path: Change Case 'path': Convert to a lower case, slash separated string ...
// - onWindowChange: A dirty editor is automatically saved when the window loses focus. "files.autoSave": "off", // 控制ms中的延迟,之后自动保存脏编辑器。仅当“files.autoSave”设置为“AfterDelay”时应用。 "files.autoSaveDelay": 1000, // The default language mode that is assigned to ...
We could use VS code to debug BOTH node.js backend and frontend codes at the same time. We use “congress.system” as an example, so change your startup script name, port, etc. accordingly. Prerequisite install nodemon (to hot reload backend scripts for node.js) ...
Dot-repeat (.) is slightly different - moving the cursor within a change range won't break the repeat. sequence. In Neovim, if you typeabc<cursor>in insert mode, then move the cursor toa<cursor>bcand type1here the repeat sequence would be1. However, in VSCode, it would bea1bc. Anot...
接受的值:“off”、"afterDelay”、“onFocusChange”(编辑器失去焦点)、“onWindowChange”(窗口失去焦点)。如果设置为“afterDelay”,则可在 "files.autoSaveDelay" 中配置延迟。 "files.autoSave": "off", // 控制延迟(以秒为单位),在该延迟后将自动保存更新后的文件。仅在 "files.autoSave'" 设置为“...
45 // 控制换行的行的缩进。可以是"none"、 "same" 或 "indent"。46 "editor.wrappingIndent": "same",47 48 // 要对鼠标滚轮滚动事件的 "deltaX" 和 "deltaY" 使用的乘数 49 "editor.mouseWheelScrollSensitivity": 1,50 51 // 控制键入时是否应显示快速建议 52 "editor.quickSuggest...
To add a global dictionary, you will need change your user settings.Define the DictionaryIn your user settings, you will need to tell the spell checker where to find your word list.Example adding medical terms, so words like acanthopterygious can be found....