Find all references for __construct. Object shape property hover. Changed Built in array function stubs now have templated definitions. Improved DOMNodeList::getIterator stub Fixed Comparing class-string in conditional return yielding incorrect type when subject is subtype of test type. No type infere...
快速解决 Quick Fix Shift + F12 显示引用 Show References F2 重命名符号 Rename Symbol Ctrl + Shift + . /, 替换为下一个/上一个值 Replace with next/previous value Ctrl + K Ctrl + X 修剪尾随空格 Trim trailing whitespace Ctrl + K M 更改文件语言 Change file language 编辑器管理 Editor managem...
Find all references in project Hover information Code actions / quick fixes (change compiler, format address, add sdpx license.. ) Mono repo support (identifies the project by finding the files: remappings.txt, foundry.toml, brownie-config.yaml, truffle-config.js, hardhat.config.js, hardhat...
Ctrl+Shift+]Unfold (uncollapse) region 取消折叠 Ctrl+K Ctrl+[Fold (collapse) all subregions 折叠光标所在区域以下所有子区域 (递归折叠) Ctrl+K Ctrl+]Unfold (uncollapse) all subregions 展开所有子区域折叠 Ctrl+K Ctrl+0Fold (collapse) all regions 折叠整个文件 Ctrl+K Ctrl+JUnfold(uncollapse) al...
Shift + F12 显示引用 Show References F2 重命名符号 Rename Symbol Ctrl + Shift + . /, 替换为下一个/上一个值 Replace with next/previous value Ctrl + K Ctrl + X 修剪尾随空格 Trim trailing whitespace Ctrl + K M 更改文件语言 Change file language 编辑器管理 Editor management 按Press功能Functi...
editorReadonly"},{// 切换语言"key":"alt+l","command":"workbench.action.editor.changeLanguageMode"},{// 取消python插件选中行运行"key":"shift+enter","command":"-python.execSelectionInTerminal","when":"editorFocus && !findInputFocussed && !python.datascience.hascodecells && !replaceInput...
format格式化代码:Ctrl + Shit + L 打开/关闭侧边栏:Command + B 打开终端等面板: Command + J 搜索配置、插件、编辑器相关:F1(command + t后,去掉#,改成>) 搜索:F1/command+T,带箭头搜索编辑器,去掉小箭头后搜索代码文件 跳转到指定行:Ctrl + G,输入框输入指定行数,自动跳转 ...
Code lens (references/implementations) Highlights Code formatting (on-type/selection/file) Code snippets Annotation processing support (automatic for Maven projects) Semantic selection Diagnostic tags Call Hierarchy Type Hierarchy Please note thatGradle-based Android projects are not supported. ...
注册某事件onDidVisibleEditorsChange的监听处理函数:this._register(this.onDidVisibleEditorsChange(() => this.handleVisibleEditorsChange())); 事件有明显的源头,能追踪到事件的提供方,有完整的类型定义 使用方:this._codeEditorService.onCodeEditorAdd(this._onDidAddEditor, this, this._toDispose); ...
Change "Visual Studio" clang_format_fallback_style setting to use NamespaceIndentation All. #5124 Fix "C++98" and "C++0x" modes. #5157, #5225 Improve the error message for multiroot projects using compile_commands.json. #5160 Fix some cpptools process crashes. #5280 Avoid <…> truncation ...