open the notebook file in a different editor and delete the kernelspec section in the notebook file itself and then restart code. It will pick an environment for you (see below). But I still think this behavior is a bug and I've spent a long time typing this report and don't want...
dism.exe/online/enable-feature/featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform/all/norestartwsl--set-versionUbuntu-20.042 中间需要下载一个WSL2-kernel 若之前没有用过 WSL,则首先需要安装 Windows 10 的 WSL 功能: dism.exe/online/enable-feature/featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux/all/norestart 这部分详情见WSL...
I tried adding a "python.condaPath" to the remote settings.json but had no effect. When I click "select kernel" on a jupyter notebook, there's no list to choose from: summary: I want to be able to run cells on jupyter notebook with a conda env (also in the remote server) as k...
如果此时需要在Windows系统中的盘符进行项目创建,需要在Open Folder的时候,进行切换,选中mnt,如下图,这里的C、D、E分别代表Windows本地磁盘,C盘,D盘,等; 此时,所创建的Python文件还没有对应的虚拟环境提供Python解释器,我们点击右上角,select kernel,选择前面安装anaconda后提供的虚拟环境,如下图: 到此,我们实现了基...
如果浏览的不是linux kernel代码,可以使用 bear (generate compilation database for Clang tooling)工具来产生编译命令的记录compile_commands.json。如果是linux kernel,则有现成的命令产生compile_commands.json。 1. 使用cmake产生: 让cmake生成compile_commands.json,需要在运行cmake时添加参数-DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE...
1. 按Select Device Port 按钮 或运行 ESP-IDF:Device configuration命令 按提示选择/dev/ttyUSB1作为下载口 2.编译完成后,可使用下载按钮进行程序下载。此时会出现提示: PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/dev/ttyUSB1' 原因: $ ls -l /dev/ttyUSB* ...
1. 按Select Device Port 按钮 或运行 ESP-IDF:Device configuration命令 按提示选择/dev/ttyUSB1作为下载口 2.编译完成后,可使用下载按钮进行程序下载。此时会出现提示: PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/dev/ttyUSB1' 原因: $ ls -l /dev/ttyUSB* ...
"DataScience.jupyterSelectURINotRunningDetail": "Cannot connect at this time. Status unknown.", "DataScience.fallbackToUseActiveInterpeterAsKernel": "Couldn't find kernel '{0}' that the notebook was created with. Using the current interpreter.", "DataScience.fallBackToRegisterAndUseActiveInt...
linker_load_file: /boot/kernel/if_run.ko - unsupported file type interface runfw_fw.1 already present in the KLD 'kernel'! linker_load_file: /boot/kernel/runfw.ko - unsupported file type run0 on uhub1 run0: <1.0> on usbus1 ...