我做了这里建议的事情: )Select 开始在一个终端中通过rosrun beginner_tutorials talker.py在另一个终端中启动(只是本教程中的发行者:要调试的文件中的一个断点,在VSCode中创建一个简单的启动配置并运行) 然后,什么都不会发生了。我还在使用-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug构建时设置了catkin_make标志,但我认为这只是...
PATH,JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME are set properly. Debug add-on installed. I can compile and run the same code in InteliJ IDEA or using java (file), javac (file) and it will work fine but i don't know why it does not work on vscode. java visual-studio-code ide adoptopenjdk Share F...
# VSC_TMP="${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR:-`echo /tmp`}" COMMIT_ID="1e790d77f81672c49be070e04474901747115651" SERVER_APP_NAME="code-server" TELEMETRY="--telemetry-level all" export VSCODE_AGENT_FOLDER=$HOME/.vscode-server ALLOW_CLIENT_DOWNLOAD="1" FORCE_CLIENT_DOWNLOAD="0" CLI_NAME_IN_ARCHIVE=c...
Run | Debug不是vscode的内置程序。它必须由您的扩展之一贡献。这些似乎可能是罪魁祸首:...
但是在一个复杂项目中,如果 TestSuite 对象的Test*方法分布于多个*_test.go文件中,这时想要单独执行某一个Test*,就会出现testing: warning: no tests to run这样的错误提示: 网上的讨论 2022 年 4 月,github 上就有同样问题的讨论: cannot debug single test in VS Code #1177 ...
Debug进程 Search进程 后台进程 后台进程是 VSCode 的入口,主要负责管理编辑器生命周期,进程间通信,自动更新,菜单管理等。 我们启动 VSCode 的时候,后台进程会首先启动,读取各种配置信息和历史记录,然后将这些信息和主窗口 UI 的 HTML 主文件路径整合成一个 URL,启动一个浏览器窗口来显示编辑器的 UI。后台进程会一直...
debugpy/__main__.py", line 45, in <module> cli.main() File "/home/nicco/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2021.7.1053846006/pythonFiles/lib/python/debugpy/../debugpy/server/cli.py", line 444, in main run() File "/home/nicco/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-...
When you open your project, do you see a.vscode/.reactfolder and a.vscode/launchReactNative.jsfile created in your project? If not, that suggests that we don't believe you are in a react-native project and you'll run into this issue. ...
Result 4: Now it will run the python script unlike in attempt 3, and it will break at the line leaving the kernel (not where the CUDA individual thread lines). So the VSCode Can run Python script in this setting, and the CPU debug symbol can be picked up by the VSCode IDE. As see...