Environment OS and Version: Ventura 13.6 VS Code Version: 1.82.2 C/C++ Extension Version: v1.17.5 Bug Summary and Steps to Reproduce Bug Summary: If I define a function with a macro vscode can't find the definition and it reports an erro...
Find Definition: Unable to jump-to-definition? Lack of dependency packages / build , or failed to build? IDE/extension often caught some problems? Cannot cross multiple languages? C# , C++ , Java/Scala, Python, Proto, etc. Cannot cross multiple repositories? Search Code Clumsy and slow ...
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgstreamer-1: No such file or directory collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status 似乎, 只有一个地方有问题了, 是不是? /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgstreamer-1: No such file or directory 确实,链接 lib 的参数很奇特, 有零有整的... -lgstreamer-1.0 真...
但在我的生命中,我不能让Typescript +Angular2的类型工作。不是每个文件的///,也不是整个工作区。我曾尝试手动从github上获取angular2的源代码,并将其放入工作区中的/typings目录中。我已经尝试使用tsc来安装angular2类型,我已经尝试了可以发布的tsd.json文件。但无论Vscode继续说什么,Cannot find module ...
Definition Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.8.0.dll Package: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Interop v17.9.37000 Sets the context for displaying the Code Definition tool window. The context includes things such as file name, a...
// 当存在多个目标位置时, 控制 "Go To" 命令 (如 "Go To Definition") 的行为。172 // - peek: 显示结果的预览视图 (默认值) 173 // - gotoAndPeek: 转到主结果并显示预览视图 174 // - goto: 转到主要结果并忽略其他结果 175 "editor.gotoLocation.multiple": "peek", ...
"to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot", "impose that choice.", "This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to", "be a consequence of the rest of this License.", " 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restr...
Note: Compound word checking cannot be turned on / off in the same file. The last setting in the file determines the value for the entire file.Excluding and Including Text to be checked.By default, the entire document is checked for spelling. cSpell:disable/cSpell:enable above allows you ...
我已经尝试使用tsc来安装angular2类型,我已经尝试了可以发布的tsd.json文件。 但无论Vscode继续说什么,Cannot find module <blerg> (即.angular2/core、angular2/common等)快把我逼疯了!任何帮助都将不胜感激! 浏览0提问于2016-01-13得票数 3 2回答 使用Visual Studio代码无法工作时进行本机调试 android、reac...
"editor.find.autoFindInSelection": "never", // 控制是否将编辑器选中内容作为搜索词填入到查找小组件中。 "editor.find.seedSearchStringFromSelection": true, // 控制编辑器是否启用了代码折叠。 "editor.folding": true, // 控制计算折叠范围的策略。`auto` 将使用语言特定的折叠策略 (若可用)。