cl.exe /WL /EHsc /GL LIBCMT.lib User32.Lib Kernel32.Lib Gdi32.Lib Winmm.Lib WINMM_00.cpp /link /LIBPATH:"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\lib" /LIBPATH:"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Lib" cl.exe /WL /EHsc /GL LIBCMT.lib User32.Lib Kernel32.Li...
After following the steps Build and Run in VSCode, the PreCompile task failed in VSCode with this output: > Executing task: chcp 65001 && msvc_build.bat < Active code page: 65001 The system cannot find the path specified. {path}\vscode-l...
I update VSCode 1.40.0. And, CMake cannot find CMake generator. In previous VSCode version, I can use CMake/Build. CMake Tools Log Unable to determine what CMake generator to use. Please install or configure a preferred generator, or update settings.json, your Kit configuration or PATH v...
如果报错Could NOT find TensorRT,将TensorRT添加到环境变量中 By not providing "FindTensorRT.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "TensorRT", but CMake did not find one. Could not find a package configuration file provided by...
添加jsconfig.json { "compilerOptions": { "target": "es2015", "baseUrl": "./src...
安装好后,win+R打开cmd输入命令path看nodejs目录是否加入环境变量中 若已加入,输入node -version可以查看当前版本。如上图所示。 2:安装TypeScript Compiler 安装好Node.js后,可以直接使用npm工具来安装TypeScript,这个TypeScript的Package其实也是一个Compiler,可以通过这个Complier将typescript编译成javascript。打开命令提...
{"sonarlint.pathToCompileCommands":"/home/yourname/repos/proj/compile_commands.json"} Note: if you are using Microsoft compiler, the environment should be ready to build the code. For example, by launching VS Code from your Visual Studio Command Prompt ...
0 升级成为会员 «TypeScript中枚举enum类型 posted @2021-05-13 15:39The_rain阅读(1782) 评论(1)编辑 公告 昵称:The_rain 园龄:6年 粉丝:1 关注:1 +加关注 <2025年1月> 日一二三四五六 2930311234 567891011 12131415161718 19202122232425 2627282930311 ...
// scripts/webpack.config.jsconst{resolve}=require('path');constHtmlWebpackPlugin=require('html-webpack-plugin');/**@type {import('webpack').Configuration}*/module.exports={mode:'development',entry:[resolve(__dirname,'../web/index.tsx')],output:{path:resolve(__dirname,'../dist/we...