vscode Cannot edit in read-only editor. 原因 使用了runcode插件 这个错误一般出现在使用命令行输入的时候出现。 但是output页面是只读的,只能输出,不能用来输入。 解决 解放方法是,将run code设置为在Teminal中运行: File -> Preferences -> Settings 找到run code in terminal设置,打上√...
VSCode Version: 1.53.0-insider (in web browser) OS Version: Win10 20H2 Steps to Reproduce: Open a VSCode window in-browser, e.g. a Codespace Open a read only file Try typing text into the file Expected: Tooltip that says "Cannot edit in read-only editor": Actual: No tooltip NOTE:...
Type: General So I can't edit a running program and when I enabled "whether to run code in integrated terminal" I could no longer run the program as another issue arose "no such file or directory" I searched and found that this may be re...
export class EditorService extends Disposable implements EditorServiceImpl { declare readonly _serviceBrand: undefined; //#region events private readonly _onDidActiveEditorChange = this._register(new Emitter<void>()); readonly onDidActiveEditorChange = this._onDidActiveEditorChange.event; private reado...
export interface WebviewEditorInset { readonly editor: TextEditor; readonly line: number; readonly height: number; readonly webview: Webview; readonly onDidDispose: Event<void>; dispose(): void; } export namespace window { ...
9 "diffEditor.renderSideBySide": true, 10 11 // 控制是否应在遇到提交字符时接受建议。例如,在 JavaScript 中,半角分号 (`;`) 可以为提交字符,能够在接受建议的同时键入该字符。12 "editor.acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter": true, 13 14 //...
For example, the Luna Paint - Image Editor extension lets you edit raster images directly in VS Code. The extension brings rich design tools (for example, layer and blend tools) to VS Code, and of course you can save images to your local disk....
"editor.hideCursorInOverviewRuler": false, // 控制是否突出显示编辑器中活动的缩进参考线。 "editor.highlightActiveIndentGuide": true, // 控制显示悬停提示前的等待时间 (毫秒)。 "editor.hover.delay": 300, // 控制是否显示悬停提示。 "editor.hover.enabled": true, // 控制当鼠标移动到悬...
"editor.defaultFormatter": "vscode.html-language-features" }, "fileheader.customMade": { "Author":"alen", "Date":"YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", "LastEditTime":"YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", "Description":"" }, "fileheader.cursorMode": { ...
在这里如果在Please input your name:处无法输入名称(显示“Cannot edit in read-only editor”),可以在Extensions里安装一个“Run in Terminal”的插件即可。三、巧用注释 注释是一种记录代码的方式。在代码的最前方加#就可以让此行代码变为注释行。也就是说当运行代码时此行不会被运行。注释可以用以标记该...