[build] jsoncpp.vcxproj -> D:\github\OneFLOW_By_vscode\build\bin\Debug\jsoncpp.dll [build] CUDA_LIB.vcxproj -> D:\github\OneFLOW_By_vscode\build\lib\Debug\CUDA_LIB.lib [build] Building Custom Rule D:/github/OneFLOW_By_vscode/codes/CMakeLists.txt [build] Marray.cpp [build] HXDefine....
保留所有权利。 [build] [build] Checking Build System [build] Building Custom Rule D:/work/vscode_work/study/cgns_vscode_example/CMakeLists.txt [build] main.cpp [build] myprj.vcxproj -> D:\work\vscode_work\study\cgns_vscode_example\build\Debug\myprj.exe [build] Building Custom Rule D:...
同样的,对于一些动态库,比如dylib,dll等也需要复制,不过注意最好在编译前就将它们复制到目标目录,使用PRE_BUILD指明命令执行的时机# 复制库到工作目录 add_custom_command(TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME} PRE_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory ${IRRKLANG_BIN_DIR} $<TARGET_FILE_DIR:${PROJECT_NAME...
"tasks": [ { "label": "build", "type": "shell", "command": "fpc", "args": ["${file}"], "group": "build", }, { "label": "Delphi build", "type": "shell", "command": "fpc", "args": ["${file}", "-Mdelphi"], "group": "build" } ] } 注意...
Compiler/Toolchain: Keil ARMClang & Keil ARMCC with custom toolchain file Other Notes/Information cmake-kits.jsonbeing used (with minor modifications to my productive one, but the same issue can be observed here): [ { "name": "Keil armclang Chip1", ...
shell->先打开shell再输入命令,因此args会经过shell再次解析"label":" "g++.exebuildactivefile"",//...
add_custom_command(TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/resources $/resources ) 这条语句的功能是在编译结束后,将指定的资源目录复制到生成的可执行文件所在的目录。 同样的,对于一些动态库,比如dylib,dll等也需要复制,不过注意好在编译前就...
CUSTOMBUILD : error : unable to handle compilation, expected exactly one compiler job in '' [clang-diagnostic-error] [C:\dev\my-project\build\analyze_clang_tidy.vcxproj] Suppressed 1 warnings (1 in non-user code). Use -header-filter=.* to display errors from all non-system headers. Use...
#Compiler#Key Question#VSCode#Ensemble 111 0193 Announcement John Murray· Oct 4, 2024 Since VS Code 1.94 the Explorer's Find widget (Ctrl+Alt+F) on server-side (isfs) folders requires v2.12.9-beta.4 or later with proposed APIs enabled ...
fortunately can also develop STM32 applications with single tool. If you are one of developers liking VSCode, most elegant way to move forward is to transfer STM32CubeIDE-based project toCMake, develop code in VSCode and compile with Ninja build system using GCC compiler. It is fast and ...