Now we just need hot reload (also for Blazor Hybrid) and the extension will be usable. Thanks! Member mauroa commented Apr 15, 2024 Thanks for the confirmation @Markz878. We are working on adding support for all of that, from build and debug support on right click to Hot Reload, we...
本篇翻译于Maddy Montaquila的The .NET MAUI Extension for Visual Studio Code is now Generally Available 今天,我们非常高兴地宣布 .NET MAUI VS Code 扩展插件结束了预览阶段,并将包含一些期待已久的新功能 - 包括 XAML IntelliSense 和 Hot Reload! 什么是 .NET MAUI 扩展插件? .NET MAUI 扩展插件为您提供...
Added support for Blazor/Razor (.razor) syntax. Added an option for automatically invoking "Reveal In Tree" on caret position change. 1.13.0 (29 May 2020) Implemented Reveal In Tree (Alt+L) for revealing the tree view node that corresponds to code at the current position in the document....
1. Select **.NET MAUI App** or **.NET MAUI Blazor App**. 1. Select an **empty** folder. If the file explorer pops open again, your folder is not empty. 1. Select an **empty** folder. If the file explorer opens again, your folder is not empty. 1. Name the project. 1. ...
Added XAML Hot Reload support for x:FactoryMethod and x:Arguments 2.44.x Bump Roslyn to 4.12.0-2.24416.3 (PR:#7448) Use EnableCodeStyleSeverity instead of AnalysisLevel to control new diagnostic severity behavior (PR:#73843) Cleanup LSP error reporting (PR:#74530) ...