file:C:/Users/Administrator/.gitconfig file:C:/Users/Administrator/.gitconfig //local file:.git/config core.repositoryformatversion=0 file:.git/config core.filemode=false file:.git/config core.bare=false file:.git/config core.logallrefupdates=...
VS Code as Git Mergetool This extension provides diff editor layouts and more for common-base merges (aka. “3-way merges”) directly in VS Code. Demo screencast Features Assists in setting up suitable Git and VS Code configuration options, which allows that VS Code is invoked when an exte...
readonly filesToDiff?: IPathData[]; We need to handle this request both for when a new window opens as initial editors to open but also when opening into an existing window, which is the more typical case for when using git while VSCode is already running: vscode/src/vs/workbench/brow...
a Git Command Palette to provide guided (step-by-step) access to many common Git commands, as well as quick access to commits— history and search stashes status— current branch and working tree status a user-friendly interactive rebase editor to easily configure an interactive rebase session...
6)HexEditor 二进制编辑器,安装后在左边文件树那里选择一个文件,鼠标右键 “Open With" 然后选择 HexEditor 打开即可,偶尔需要编辑下二进制时,不需要再去下载安装一个专门软件。 7)Bookmarks 经常在文档几个不同位置跳来跳去的,这个书签插件很实用,右键菜单里直接设置/取消书签,快捷键在不同的书签位置跳转,左边还...
Ctrl+K←/→ 移动活动编辑器组 Move active editor group 文件管理 File management 代码语言:javascript 复制 按Press 功能 Function Ctrl+N新文件 New File Ctrl+O打开文件...Open File...Ctrl+S保存 Save Ctrl+Shift+S另存为...Save As...Ctrl+KS全部保存 Save All ...
Git (recommended: 2.37.1 or later) Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19042.0 .NET 6.0.6 DPI 96dpi (no scaling) Issue description When vscode is in the PATH , you could use: ✔codeor "C:/Users/31594/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft VS Code/bin/code" in editor are working...
3-way merge editor- 在 VS Code 内解决合并冲突。 合并编辑器允许你快速解决 Git 合并冲突。启用后,可以通过单击源代码控制视图中的冲突文件来打开合并编辑器。Checkboxes 可用于接受和合并 "Theirs" 或 "Yours" 的更改: 合并编辑器中提供了所有语言功能(包括诊断、断点和测试),因此你可以立即获得有关合并结果中...
1 import * as vscode from 'vscode'; ~~~ src/commands/decreaseHeadingLevel.ts:30:24 - error TS7006: Parameter 'editBuilder' implicitly has an 'any' type. 30 await editor.edit((editBuilder) => { ~~~ src/commands/increaseHeadingLevel.ts:1:25 - error TS2307: Cannot find module 'vscode...
This can be remapped as follows in VS Code's keybindings.json settings file. { "key": "shift+;", "command": "vim.showQuickpickCmdLine", "when": "editorTextFocus && vim.mode != 'Insert'" } Or for Zen mode only: { "key": "shift+;", "command": "vim.showQuickpickCmdLine", ...