2. 点击右下角的设置图标,或者按下快捷键Ctrl + ,打开用户设置。 3. 在用户设置页面的搜索框中输入”run as administrator”。 4. 在搜索结果中找到“Terminal: Run As Administrator”选项。 5. 将该选项的值修改为false。如果该选项的值为true,那么每次打开终端时就会以管理员身份运行。 要在VSCode中设置不...
This User Installer is not meant to be run as an Administrator. If you would like to install VS Code for all users in this system, download the System Installer instead… 解决办法: 直接打开提供的网址,进入下载页面 https://code.visualstudio.com/Download 竟然发现vscode由两个版本,下载 System In...
This User Installer is not meant to be run as an Administrator. If you would like to install VS Code for all users in this system, download the System Installer instead… 解决办法: 直接打开提供的网址,进入下载页面 https://code.visualstudio.com/Download 竟然发现vscode由两个版本,下载 System In...
vscode每次保存都会出现提示框,提示我需要administrator权限才可以保存修改 Select 'Retry as Admin' to retry as administrator 修改文件夹的读写权限:-R 表示递归遍历目录下及子目录下的所有文件 r=4 (read), w=2 (write), x=1 (execute)abc=主用户、组用户、其他用户 777代表主用户、组用户、...
vscode每次保存都会出现提示框,提示我需要administrator权限才可以保存修改 Select 'Retry as Admin' to retry as administrator 解决方法 修改文件夹的读写权限: sudo chmod -R 777 [文件路径名] -R 表示递归遍历目录下及子目录下的所有文件 r=4 (read), w=2 (write), x=1 (execute) ...
Issue Type: Bug 1.Open VSCode as Administrator by right clicking on the VSCode icon 2. Try to open Toggle Developer tools from Help Menu on the top bar. Observed: no dev tools opened. Can repro the issue with all extensions disabled. Als...
But then the error is correct, no WSL and distros available for the given user (Administrator). Why are you running VSCode as Administrator? Sorry, something went wrong. Copy link Author dmchitniscommentedNov 13, 2020• edited I'm not sure why it is running as Administrator, because I ...
* cmd as administrator * add system env: * MSYS64_HOME=C:\DEVPACK\msys64 * Path=...;C:\DEVPACK\msys64\usr\bin * mklink /J "/C" "C:\" */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int a = 25; printf("hello vscode %d.\n", a); ...
To run a commandasadministrator(user"root"),use"sudo ".See"man sudo_root"fordetails.Wed Jul2115:41:47/mnt/c/Users/wuyifan/Desktop 搞定。 反思下,这次debug的难点是什么呢?是在遇到未知问题不要慌一步步分析,找到默认,找到preference的设置。不要使用网上说的方法行不通就慌了。实在不行看manual啊(虽...
>---Win10---// 扩展目录C:\Users\(计算机名)\.vscode-insiders\extensions// 配置目录C:\Users\(计算机名)\AppData\Roaming\Code-Insiders\Usersettings.json//设置文件keybindings.json//快捷键文件>---Win7---// 扩展目录C:\Users\Administrator\.vscode\extensions// 配置目录C:\Users\Administrator\App...