如果你使用虚拟环境,请确保在settings.json中配置的路径指向你的虚拟环境内的site-packages,如下: {"python.autoComplete.extraPaths":["C:/path/to/your/project/myenv/Lib/site-packages"]} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 验证配置是否成功 在VSCode 的终端(Terminal)中,可以使用以下命令来验证库是否正确配置: pip ...
首先打开配置在用户配置中搜索autoComplete,开启add Brackets,效果如下图: 具体开启步骤: 接下来将安装的第三方包目录配置在python.autoComplete.extraPaths中,效果如下图: 注意要按照自己的anaconda3或者python安装目录去配置,我使用的anaconda3安装的所以在D:\python\anaconda3目录下,你要是安装的python环境就在python目...
第二步:修改setting.json配置文件,指定python.pythonPath的值为opms项目目录下python虚拟环境中的python解释器路径 7.为项目运行时指定入口文件和参数 第一步:为新打开的项目生成launch.json配置文件 点击Debug,点击Add Configuration,点击Python,然后根据你的项目,在Python File、Django、Flask中选择一个,我这里只是为了...
// - vscode.grunt: Extension to add Grunt capabilities to VS Code.87 // - vscode.gulp: 向 VSCode 提供 Gulp 功能的扩展。88 // - vscode.html-language-features: 为 HTML 和 Handlebar 文件提供丰富的语言支持 89 // - vscode.jake: 向 VS Code 提供 Jake 功能的扩展。
If you want to viewthe changes that are stagedcompared to your current repo state, run : git diff --cached # or : git difftool --cached Extra note : a useful option togit difftoolis-d: git difftool -d --cached git difftool -d <branch1> <branch2> git difftool -d <anything th...
Sample config to use docker This is a simple configuration to use viaLaradock. "LaravelExtraIntellisense.phpCommand":"docker exec -w /var/www/your-project -u laradock laradock_workspace_1 php -r\"{code}\"","LaravelExtraIntellisense.basePathForCode":"/var/www/your-project" ...
Path(idf.espAdfPath) ${env:ADF_PATH} ESP-IDFPath(idf.espIdfPath) D:\dev\github.com\esp-idf ESP-MDFPath(idf.espMdfPath) ${env:MDF_PATH} ESP-MatterPath(idf.espMatterPath) ${env:ESP_MATTER_PATH} Custom extra paths (idf.customExtraPaths) C:/Users/user/.espressif/idf5.2/tools/ccache...
// 找出simple.cc中所有没有用到的using declarations并自动fix(删除掉)$ clang-tidy-checks="-*,misc-unused-using-decls"-fixpath/to/simple.cc -- // 找出a.c中没有用到的using declarations. 这里需要path/to/project/compile_commands.json存在 ...
Java: Attach Source: attaches a jar/zip source to the currently opened binary class file. This command is only available in the editor context menu. Java: Add Folder to Java Source Path: adds the selected folder to its project source path. This command is only available in the file explore...
Migrate deprecated cirrus-module v2 to v3 (#636) 3个月前 .gitignore SLVSCODE-953 untar eslint-bridge bundle and send its path to slls 2个月前 .vscodeignore Remove Gulp.js; Add build scripts 1年前 CHANGELOG.md DOC-1650 URL slug rebranding update ...