4.在source control下面显示 内嵌的git repo 打开setting,在里面搜索git.repositoryScanMaxDepth,并设置成 你想要的检测深度,即可,这里我设置成了10。 参考:https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/161797 5.How To Always Open Files in New Tab in VSCode https://www.automationdojos.com/how-to-always-...
// - vscode.grunt: Extension to add Grunt capabilities to VS Code.87 // - vscode.gulp: 向 VSCode 提供 Gulp 功能的扩展。88 // - vscode.html-language-features: 为 HTML 和 Handlebar 文件提供丰富的语言支持 89 // - vscode.jake: 向 VS Code 提供 Jake 功能的扩展。
If it is intended, at least give a super-clean way to add a repo again, I didn't found it. :) drAlberT commentedon Sep 7, 2023 drAlberT on Sep 7, 2023 OK, I just found the Command "reopen closed repository" ... a bit hidden I'd say ;) ...
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") 六、提交 git作为支持分布式版本管理的工具,它管理的库(repository)分为本地库、远程库。如有本地库源码文件发生修改,需要将修改提交到远程库,这时需要暂存 (add)、提交(commit)、推送(push)三步: Administrator@JOY MINGW64 /c/hello...
git add . git commit -m "Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main'" ``` 4. 再次推送更改到远程仓库: 现在,可以再次尝试推送的更改到远程仓库: ```bash git push origin main ``` 3.2 fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories "fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories" 错误通常发生在尝试...
在“Title” 字段中输入一个标识,然后将 `id_rsa.pub` 文件的内容复制到 “Key” 字段中,最后点击 “Add SSH key” 保存。 3. 配置 Git 打开VS Code,点击左侧菜单栏的 “Source Control”(Git 图标)-> “…” -> “Open Repository Settings”。
Use command paletteCtrl-Shift-P>>fossil:to see all commands. (Not everything has a UI control.) View file changes Click a file see the diff view Or open a file by using context menu Initialize a new repo Just click the Fossil icon from the source control title area ...
VSCode Version: OS Version: Win 10 Steps to Reproduce: Create one unversioned file and edit 2 other files (for example) Go to "Source Control" Go to "..." => "Discard all changes" On the popup choose the "discard all 3 fi...
一个个 commit 堆积起来就是一个了不起的 repo,欢迎你 Fork 并提交 Pull Request 或者 Issue ,哪怕 是改正一个错别字、修正一个病句,我们都会很高兴。 参与方法和步骤如下: 本文档使用 书栈网 · BookStack.CN 构建 - 6 - 简介 登录 Fork git@:CN-VScode-Docs/CN-VScode-Docs.git 或者点仓库地址CN-...
Changes should take effect immediately as you continue to edit code. 然后找到这个文件,加上相关配置即可,如果不想看文档,直接照抄我的就行: #User config Diagnostics: UnusedIncludes: Strict ClangTidy: Add: [ # performance-*, # bugprone-*, # modernize-*, # clang-analyzer-*, # readability-...