"prefix": "snippetShortcut", "body": [ "This is the code snippet body", "You can add multiple lines here", "Use $1, $2, $3, etc. for tab stops and placeholders" ], "description": "Description of the code snippet" } 在上面的示例中,snippetShortcut是代码片段的前缀,body是代码片段...
// (Markdown) wrap prose over multiple lines 2774 "prettier.proseWrap": "preserve", 2775 2776 // Change when properties in objects are quoted 2777 "prettier.quoteProps": "as-needed", 2778 2779 // Require a 'prettierconfig' to format ...
Add more cursors to current selection. Join line Mac: ctrl+j Windows / Linux: Not bound by default. Open Keyboard Shortcuts and bind editor.action.joinLines to a shortcut of your choice. Copy line up / down Mac: opt+shift+up or opt+shift+down Windows / Linux(Issue #5363): shift...
maxLinesnumberTextarea maximum height in linestext maxLengthnumberMaximum length of the valuetext maxLineLengthnumberThe position of the vertical ruler when the monospace editor is usedtext multiplebooleanMultiple optionsenum separatorstringSeparator character when multiple options were selectedenum ...
{"allowTemplateLiterals":true}],// double 双引号 single 单引号 allowTemplateLiterals 支持es6`` https://eslint.org/docs/rules/quotes"no-multi-spaces":"error",// 禁止多个空格 https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-multi-spaces#disallow-multiple-spaces-no-multi-spaces// 以下打开搜索名称即可 https...
Multiple cursors Remote development ⚡️ API vscode.action(name, opts) vscode.call(name, opts, timeout) vscode.on(event, callback) vscode.has_config(name) vscode.get_config(name) vscode.update_config(name, value, target) vscode.notify(msg) ...
"editor.gotoLocation.multipleTypeDefinitions": "peek", // 控制是否在概览标尺中隐藏光标。 "editor.hideCursorInOverviewRuler": false, // 控制是否突出显示编辑器中活动的缩进参考线。 "editor.highlightActiveIndentGuide": true, // 控制显示悬停提示前的等待时间 (毫秒)。 "editor.hover.delay":...
If you want to insert a piece of script that is meant to be on multiple lines then the body value will need to be specified as per the image belowSo, lets write some code…We want our snippet to be called "GetHelp" with a prefix of "_help". When the snippet completes we want ...
(`;`) can be a commit character that accepts a suggestion and types that character."editor.acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter":true,//Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on `Enter`, in addition to `Tab`. Helps to avoid ambiguity between inserting new lines or accepting suggestions.//...
* The matching lines of text, or a portion of the matching line that contains the match.*/ text: string; /** * The Range within `text` corresponding to the text of the match.* The number of matches must match the TextSearchMatch's range property.*...