private async addNodeAddonIncludeLocations(rootPath: string): Promise<void> { try { let error: Error | undefined; const package_json: any = await fs.promises.readFile(path.join(rootPath, "package.json"), "utf8") .then(pdj => JSON.parse(pdj)) .catch(e => (error = e)); const pa...
it's true that developing node-addons is a relatively small portion of all c/c++ work that is done, but it seems that are implementations that do not require node-gyp/node-addon-specific work, e.g., allow an environment variable that is automagically integrated into the search paths but ...
Add C_Cpp.addNodeAddonIncludePaths setting to add include paths from nan and node-addon-api when they're dependencies. #4854 Bruce MacNaughton (@bmacnaughton) PR #67331 Add command Generate EditorConfig contents from VC Format settings. #6018 Update to clang-format 11.1. #6326 Add clang...
// - vscode.debug-auto-launch: 当 node-debug 扩展未启用时提供自动附加的辅助程序。 // - vscode.debug-server-ready: 如果正在调试的服务器已准备就绪,在浏览器中打开 URI。 // - vscode.emmet: 适用于 VS Code 的 Emmet 支持 // - vscode.extension-editing: 在创建扩展时提供 linting 功能。
{"compilerOptions":{"baseUrl":"./","paths":{"@/*":["./src/*"],"utils/*":["./src/utils/*"]}},"include":["src"],"exclude":["node_modules"]} 备注 配置完 jsconfig.json 文件后可能会报错。 这一般是因为 vscode 会自动进行 JavaScript 文件的语义检查。自定义的 jsconfig.json 文件...
{"out":true,// set this to false to include"out"folder in search results"dist":true,"**/node_modules":true,"coverage":true,"languageServer*/**":true,".vscode-test":true,".vscode test":true},"[python]":{"editor.detectIndentation":false,"editor.insertSpaces":true,"editor.tabSize":4...
Add a Hello World source code fileIn the File Explorer title bar, select the New File button and name the file helloworld.cpp.Add hello world source codeNow paste in this source code:#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { vector<string...
"./node_modules/.bin/gulp build_server", "build": "./node_modules/.bin/gulp build_or_download", "fast-build-server": "./node_modules/.bin/gulp dev_server", "watch-server": "./node_modules/.bin/gulp watch_server", "eslint": "eslint --ignore-path .eslintignore --ext .js,....
You can reload your WebExtension using the command "Firefox: Reload add-on" (extension.firefox.reloadAddon) from the VS Code command palette. The WebExtension will also be reloaded when you restart the debugging session, unless you have set reloadOnAttach to false. You can also use the relo...
You can reload your WebExtension using the command "Firefox: Reload add-on" (extension.firefox.reloadAddon) from the VS Code command palette. The WebExtension will also be reloaded when you restart the debugging session, unless you have setreloadOnAttachtofalse. You can also use thereloadOnChange...