thank you, I already had eslint set up. just wonder if vscode can add a quick nodejs language mode, (maybe the language mode auto add jsconfig.json) because the document is pretty hard to find the user base of nodejs is huge everyone has to go though document, reconfigure and set up...
1.1 配置中文 通过⌘⇧P 搜索打开该文件,搜索Configure Display Language,选择【安装其他语言】,选择Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack for Visual Studio Code,然后重启 vscode,就可以看到转换为中文显示了,但是这个设置经常出现问题,时不时又变回了英文,所以后面我又用回了英文,用习惯了都一样! 1.2 配置主题和...
步骤3. 在配置文件settings.json中添加如下参数 "update.mode": "manual",13. 禁止自动升级VSCode的插...
重启 命令面板选择clangd: Restart language server即可 若遇到 clangd 服务器重启失败, 可以查看 log: 3.9 CodeLLDB 指定 lldb 路径 用来消除版本不匹配的问题。(旧版本) "lldb.library":"/usr/lib/llvm-14/lib/", 新版CodeLLDB (1.7.0) 直接用内置的 lldb 动态库即可。 3.10 CodeLLDB 加载 ...
The NLP Engine which is written in C++ is also open source and can be downloaded in development mode. You can find how to download and develop the NLP Engine code at: License MIT nlpnatural-language-processing ...
点击安装,等待安装完毕。首次安装好是英文,按快捷键ctrl + shift + p可调出搜索框,输入Configure Display Language即可配置显示语言,选择【Chinese (Simplified)Language Pack for Visual Studio Code】,然后点击右侧的【Install】即可,安装完之后重启vscode即可显示为中文界面。
createFileTime": true,"language": {"languagetest": {"head": "/$$","middle": " $ @","end": " $/"}},"autoAdd": true,"autoAddLine": 100,"autoAlready": true,"annotationStr": {"head": "/*","middle": " * @","end": " */","use": false},"headInsertLine": {"php":...