See Multi-cursor Modifier for details.If you do not want to add all occurrences of the current selection, you can use kb(editor.action.addSelectionToNextFindMatch) instead. This only selects the next occurrence after the one you selected so you can add selections one by one....
Type: Bug When selecting with ctrl+D and updating multiple lines at once, if cursor is moved with keys like home/end on lines of different length, it can make potential mistakes while using this feature For eg: 1 def vscode(self): 2 ...
[ { // find or search方法:在查找结果中跳转到下一个匹配项。 "command": "editor.action.nextMatchFindAction", "key": "enter", "when": "editorFocus && findInputFocussed" }, // find or search方法:在查找结果中跳转到上一个匹配项。 { "key": "ctrl+shift+f10", "command": "
Multi-cursor and selection (多光标和选择) Rich languages editing (丰富语言编辑) Editor management (编辑管理) File management (文件管理) Display (显示) Debug (调试) Integrated terminal (集成终端) 其它: 拓展: 多行代码合并成一行代码截图:(警告=》 如果 这个 ...
"editor.cursorSurroundingLinesStyle": "default", // 控制光标的宽度,当`Editor or.cursorSty‘设置为’line‘时。 "editor.cursorWidth": 0, // 定义优先于所有其他格式化程序设置的默认格式化程序。必须是提供格式化程序的扩展的标识符。 "editor.defaultFormatter": null, // 控制Go to Definition鼠标手势是否...
navigateEditHistory.moveCursorToNextEditInCurrentFile:NEH: 当前文件中跳转到后一个编辑记录 navigateEditHistory.list:NEH: 列出全部编辑记录 navigateEditHistory.createEditAtCursor:NEH: 当前光标位置创建编辑记录并登记到队列开头 navigateEditHistory.removeEditAtCursor:NEH: 清除当前编辑记录 ...
Add a comment 11 Answers Sorted by: 360 VSCode doesn't support this out of the box. Rewrap extension Previously called Auto wrap. It allows you to rewrap the block that your cursor is currently in by pressing Alt + Q. Rewrap also supports automatic...
Sometimes there may be several query parameters in a single request, putting all the query parameters in Request Line is difficult to read and modify. So we allow you to spread query parameters into multiple lines(one line one query parameter), we will parse the lines in immediately after ...
// - all: 始终强制执行 "cursorSurroundingLines" "editor.cursorSurroundingLinesStyle": "default", // 当 `editor.cursorStyle` 设置为 `line` 时,控制光标的宽度。 "editor.cursorWidth": 0, // 定义一个默认格式化程序, 该格式化程序优先于所有其他格式化程序设置。必须是提供格式化程序的扩展的标识...