– 手动解决冲突:根据需要修改冲突的部分,删除不需要的标记(<<<,===,>>>)并保存文件。 – 使用冲突解决工具:在冲突信息面板中,可以看到一个“Accept Incoming Change”和一个“Accept Current Change”按钮。选择其中一个可以接受该变更。7. 解决冲突后,返回到Source Control面板,可以看到文件名旁边的冲突图标已经...
When doing a merge or rebase you may get merge conflicts. In VS Code this is presented with a window showing "Accept Current Change" and "Accept Incoming Change". It may be helpful if it told you, in parenthesis or with a tooltip, which branch each is so you can differentiate them....
Accept Current Change Accept Coming Change Accept Both Changes Compare Changes Start Live Share Session 14、develop分支合并到master分支 14.1 切换到 master 分支,准备合并 git checkout master 14.2 将 develop 分支上的代码合并到当前 master 分支 git merge develop 14.3 如果出现代码冲突,请参考第13步解决冲突。
A merge or rebase command does show inline differences in source files as expected. Sporadically, clicking on "Accept current change" or "Accept incoming change" button above the difference does leave behind the "<<< HEAD" or "===...
{ "command": "-merge-conflict.accept.current", "key": "" }, { "command": "-merge-conflict.accept.incoming", "key": "" }, { "command": "-workbench.action.quickOpenNavigateNext", "key": "" }, { "command": "-git.openChange", "key": "" }, { "command": "-editor.action....
CURRENT_MONTH_NAME_SHORT月份的简称(例如“Jul”) CURRENT_DATE两位数的月份日期(例如“08”) CURRENT_SECONDS_UNIX自Unix 纪元以来的秒数 对于插入随机值: UUID版本4 UUID 对于插入行或块注释,尊重当前语言: BLOCK_COMMENT_START示例输出:PHP/*或 HTML<!– BLOCK_COMMENT_END 示例输出:PHP*/或 HTML–> `LINE...
注册某事件onDidVisibleEditorsChange的监听处理函数:this._register(this.onDidVisibleEditorsChange(() => this.handleVisibleEditorsChange())); 事件有明显的源头,能追踪到事件的提供方,有完整的类型定义 使用方:this._codeEditorService.onCodeEditorAdd(this._onDidAddEditor, this, this._toDispose); ...
12 "editor.acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter": true, 13 14 // 控制除了 `Tab` 键以外, `Enter` 键是否同样可以接受建议。这能减少“插入新行”和“接受建议”命令之间的歧义。15 // - on 16 // - smart: 仅当建议包含文本改动时才可使用 `Enter` 键进行接受。
// 自动检测 clangd 更新 "clangd.onConfigChanged": "restart", // 重启 clangd 时重载配置,具体方法: F1 + Fn 打开命令面板,然后搜索“clangd: restart" "clangd.serverCompletionRanking": true, // 借助网上的信息排序建议 "clangd.detectExtensionConflicts": true, // 当其它拓展与 clangd 冲突时警告并...
If the answer helped (pointed, you in the right direction) > please clickAccept AnswerOr please share the requested/more info to help you better. Accepted answer will help community find the answers quickly. (I'll convert my comments to answer) ...