3-way merge editor- 在 VS Code 内解决合并冲突。 合并编辑器允许你快速解决 Git 合并冲突。启用后,可以通过单击源代码控制视图中的冲突文件来打开合并编辑器。Checkboxes 可用于接受和合并 "Theirs" 或 "Yours" 的更改: 合并编辑器中提供了所有语言功能(包括诊断、断点和测试),因此你可以立即获得有关合并结果中...
Type: Bug I am merging one branch into another. It looks like the 3-way merge editor does not function properly anymore. When activating the merge editor on a conflicted file : result window is almost always empty or has a weird snippet ...
I stand corrected - I did have to restart, but then the diffs were so far down the file I didn't notice them (it didn't seem to select the first conflict like it used to) but you can indeed go back to the old style merge editor. ...
git config --global merge.tool vscode git config --global mergetool.vscode.cmd 'code --merge $BASE $LOCAL $REMOTE $MERGED' So that in a case of a merge conflict git mergetool Can be used. 👍 8 hediet added feature-request merge-editor labels Jun 27, 2022 hediet added this to...
Re: 3 way merge. You keep using that word... Please try out the merge editor before giving feedback. @hediet -- I have now tried VS Code's tool, and it's my turn to request you read my previous bug report more carefully before closing it...
Annotations 2 warnings main Unexpected input(s) 'appInsightsKey', valid inputs are ['token', 'notYetReleasedLabel', 'insidersReleasedLabel'] main Unexpected input(s) 'appInsightsKey', valid inputs are ['token', 'config-path'] ...
Annotations 2 warnings main Unexpected input(s) 'appInsightsKey', valid inputs are ['token', 'notYetReleasedLabel', 'insidersReleasedLabel'] main Unexpected input(s) 'appInsightsKey', valid inputs are ['token', 'config-path'] ...
VS Code as Git Mergetool This extension provides diff editor layouts and more for common-base merges (aka. “3-way merges”) directly in VS Code. Demo screencast Features Assists in setting up suitable Git and VS Code configuration options, which allows that VS Code is invoked when an exte...
Select a file with merge conflicts and click the "Resolve in Merge Editor" to open the merge editor Merge editor take 15 minutes to load Version: 1.86.2 (user setup) Commit:903b1e9 Date: 2024-02-13T19:40:56.878Z Electron: 27.2.3 ...
Type: Bug Assign the following keyboard shortctus: [ { "key": "ctrl+g a", "command": "merge.toggleActiveConflictInput1", "when": "isMergeEditor" }, { "key": "ctrl+g b", "command": "merge.toggleActiveConflictInput2", "when": "isMergeEdito...