使用Dev Containers打开项目 我们可以按VSCode左下角的绿色按钮或者在Command Palette里面来运行Dev Containers: Open Folder in Container,这个命令就是让我们在Docker里面打开一个本地文件夹。我们选择刚刚下载的vscode-remote-try-cpp项目文件夹。由于这个项目已经有了Dev Containers的相关配置文件,VSCode会根据配置文件构建...
步骤四:创建自定义的开发容器在VSCode中,打开你的项目文件夹,然后右键选择“Configure Dev Container”。这将打开一个配置文件,你可以在其中定义你的开发环境所需的各种软件包和设置。例如,你可以添加所需的编程语言运行时、依赖管理工具、开发工具等。保存配置文件后,VSCode会自动为你创建一个与你的项目关联的开发容器...
ps -edf | grep qemu-system | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -I{} kill -9 {}; podman machine stop 2. 启动vscode dev container后遇到cannot create directory ‘/root’: Permission denied 之类权限问题 例如下列错误 Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker dae...
【python-uv:基于VSCode Dev Container的Python开发环境配置工具,集成了uv包管理器和Ruff代码格式化工具,提供开箱即用的开发环境,支持代码格式化、类型检查、pre-commit等功能】 "This repository contains c...
1": {}, "ghcr.io/jarrodcolburn/features/android-sdk:0": {} }, "workspaceMount": "source=${localWorkspaceFolder},target=/workspace,type=bind,Z", "workspaceFolder": "/workspace", "runArgs": ["--userns=keep-id"], "containerUser": "vscode" // Features to add to the dev container....
To add a dev container definition in your project, you can either: Add it using VS Code Remote - Containers: If this is your first time creating a dev container, follow thegetting started stepsto configure your machine. Start VS Code and open your project folder. ...
Open your code in the cloud, in a local container, on a remote machine, or in WSL and take advantage of VS Code's full feature set. IMPORTANT NOTE: As noted in the section above, this repository is no longer active and will be archived in November 2023. ...
在 VSCode for desktop 中,插件是以 vsix 包的形式存在的,因此,VSCode for desktop 可以直接通过 ...
通过docker logs命令可以查看容器的日志。 命令格式: $ docker logs [OPTIONS] CONTAINER Options: ...
I'm writing code with VSCode from inside a VSCode container. I can open terminals inside the dev container, but I can't figure out how to open a (VSCode integrated) terminal in my local machine. I can of course open a separate terminal application like iTerm2, but it's far ...