dns_vscale_rm() { fulldomain=$1 txtvalue=$2 _debug "First detect the root zone" if ! _get_root "$fulldomain"; then _err "invalid domain" return 1 fi _debug _domain_id "$_domain_id" _debug _sub_domain "$_sub_domain" _debug _domain "$_domain" _debug "Getting txt records"...
letsencrypt docker certbot vscale dns-challenge vscale-api Updated Feb 2, 2021 Python evd / vscale-backup Star 0 Code Issues Pull requests Snapshot backup script for Selectel VDS (VScale) backup selectel vscale vds Updated Oct 19, 2023 Python Improve this page Add a description...
Azure 產品 架構 開發 學習Azure 疑難排解 資源 入口網站免費帳戶 版本 Azure SDK for Python 閱讀英文 儲存 新增至集合 新增至計劃 共用方式為 Facebookx.comLinkedIn電子郵件 列印 參考 描述虛擬機器擴展集網路設定的 DNS 設定。 必須填入所有必要的參數,才能傳...
DNS of a premixed turbulent V flame and LES of a ducted flame using a FSD-PDF subgrid scale closure with FPI-tabulated chemistry Two complementary simulations of premixed turbulent flames are discussed. Low Reynolds number two-dimensional direct numerical simulation of a premixed tur... P Domingo...
{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/myNetworkSecurityGroup" }, "enableAcceleratedNetworking": true, "enableFpga": true, "dnsSettings": { "dnsServers": [ "aaaaaaaaaaaa" ] }, "enableIPForwarding": true, "deleteOption": "Delete" } } ], "healthProbe": { "id...
Disaster recovery is sometimes not as simple as just deleting and restarting the application. It is necessary to preserve the load balancer and the associated DNS records. Otherwise, you will lose the external IP and need to recreate the DNS mapping which can take time to synchronize a...
VirtualMachineScaleSetUpdatePublicIPAddressConfiguration(*, name: str |None=None, idle_timeout_in_minutes: int |None=None, dns_settings: _models.VirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddressConfigurationDnsSettings |None=None, **kwargs: Any) Keyword-Only Parameters ...
点击"ACME DNS-Authenticators" -> "Add" 选择route53作为Authenticator, 名字随便取,填入上面生成的秘钥。 最后通过"Certificate Signing Requests" -> "Add" 创建CSR和证书,这个过程跟TrueCharts的官方文档第7节完全一致,这里就不截图了。(你一定有办法能看到YTB,不然TrueCharts是没法安装的)。 这里推荐跟文档中...
1. 秤内配置。 (1).设置秤号: 秤上按“代码 24681357 确认”,然后按“08 确认”,然后输入秤号,然后按“确认”。 (2).设置IP: 秤上按“代码 24681357 确认”,然后按“21 确认”,然后根据提示输入ip地址、网络掩码地址、服务器IP、路由器IP。 (3).设置DNS: 秤上按“代码 24681357 确认”,然后按“29 ...
obsahuje prostředky, které se budou sdílet ve všech cílových zónách. To zahrnuje sdílené síťové komponenty, jako je brána firewall a privátní zóny DNS. Zahrnuje také prostředky pro zásady správného řízení dat a cloudu, jako jsou ...