If you’ve ever driven a Toyota or Lexus, you might’ve noticed a dashboard light that says “VSC Off.” It can be a little confusing at first, but it’s really there to communicate some important info about your car’s stability system. Vehicle Stability Control, or VSC, is a ...
2002 Lexus es300 VSC/TRAC OFF/ ENGINE LIGHT JuanM1 ES - 1st to 4th Gen (1990-2006) 7 Oct 9, 2017 11:17 AM New gas cap to solve my VSC/TRAC OFF davidyal RX - 1st Gen (1999-2003) 9 Aug 10, 2017 04:51 PM replaced Loose/bad gas cap, CEL and VSC misfires.. now sulfur...
What is the procedure for turning off the VSC and Trac systems? You can deactivate each button independently if your vehicle has two, one for VSC and the other for Trac. The VSC indicator is a car slide with the word OFF underneath it in select Toyotas and Lexus. All you have to do ...
A common cause of the VSC light on Lexus and Toyota if you see it along with a TRAC OFF light and a check engine light is a leaking or loose gas cap. If the VSC light came on after you refueled your car, you definitely want to make sure the gas cap is properly tightened. It can...
LEXUS雷克萨斯ES260空间超大V雷克萨斯真的是低调内敛的品牌而且还有内涵。。V省油省心保值这是日系车的优点V价格30w +中纯进口坐感无敌别看是轿车空间超大●车身全长: 4.975mm●车身全宽: 1866mm●车身全高: 1.447mm●轴距: 2.870mm●最小转弯半径: 5.8m●整备质量: 1645kg油箱容积: 60L后备箱容积: 454L...
My problem is in a LEXUS LS460 2007, The car showed up the warnings for the ABS and VSC and I pulled it to one shop and he made the RESET for the car by the computer. All sign went off and on the other day only the VSC and check engine is showing up and never goes. ( befor...
LEXUS雷克萨斯ES260空间超大V雷克萨斯真的是低调内敛的品牌而且还有内涵。。V省油省心保值这是日系车的优点V价格30w +中纯进口坐感无敌别看是轿车空间超大●车身全长: 4.975mm●车身全宽: 1866mm●车身全高: 1.447mm●轴距: 2.870mm●最小转弯半径: 5.8m●整备质量: 1645kg油箱容积: 60L后备箱容积: 454L...